Period: to
The Congress of Vienna
Congress of Vienna (Secondary source)Adopted a fair policy of no great rewards and no great punishments. -
Defeat of Napoleon Bonerparte
Defeat of Napoleon Bonerparte Everyone started doubting Napoleon and went for the next in line. -
Period: to
Fraco-Prussian War
Fanco-Prussian War war in which a coalition of German states led by Prussia defeated France. The war marked the end of French hegemony in continental Europe and resulted in the creation of a u -
Imperial Proclamatiom
Imperial Unification
Successors on the throne of Prussia will bear the imperial title in of the German Empire, and that the German nation will be granted the ability to fashion a propitious future under the symbol of its ancient glory. -
Treaty of Frankfurt
Treaty of Frankfurt
France lost the territory of Alsace-Lorraine on its border with Germany. It also had to pay Germany £200 mi -
Bismarck's Speech
Bismarck's Speech This is saying that German and is not constititution and is done with the old age and is now new into the economy. -
Death of Otto von Bismarck
Bismarck's death
This is the death of the person who was the rise of Germany. People had no one to fall back to. -
Bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday The massacre was followed by a series of strikes in other cities, peasant uprisings in the country, and mutinies in the armed forces, which seriously threatened the tsarist regime and became known as the Revolution of 1905.