Gerald Ford Timeline

  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    The Democratic National Committee started investigating President Nixon as they believed he abused his powers of presidency.
  • Spiro Agnew VP Resignation

     Spiro Agnew VP Resignation
    Agnew decided to resign from his position as Vice President. He does this due to the accusations against him and President Nixon.
  • Ford Nomination and Confirmation as VP

    Ford Nomination and Confirmation as VP
    After Agnew resigned President Nixon nominated Gerald Ford to be his Vie President, this being the first time use of the 25th Amendment.
  • Nomination of Gerald Ford as VP

    Nomination of Gerald Ford as VP
    These are the votes made in congress in oder for Gerald Ford to become Vice President, as you can see 97% voted. for Ford.
  • Ford Nomination and Confirmation as VP

    Ford Nomination and Confirmation as VP
    This was the first event when the United States used the 25th Amendment. President Nixon nominated Gerald Ford a Michigan House Minority Leader.
  • Tapes Released

    Tapes Released
    As the investigation continued over President Nixon, he finally released filtered tapes to congress.
  • President Nixon Resigns

    President Nixon Resigns
    President Richard Nixon resigns from Presidency on August 9th, leaving Gerald Ford to take his position
  • Gerald Ford became President

    Gerald Ford became President
    After President Richard Nixon resigned, later that evening Gerald Ford was inaugurated and became the 38th President.
  • President Ford pardons Richard Nixon

    President Ford pardons Richard Nixon
    After a week passes in Fords presidency he then pardons Richard Nixon from his mistakes made as president.