Georgia History Timeline Project

  • Jan 1, 1000


    The archaic following food sources but migrate from season to season pattern they used cave pit house and rocks to etablish shelters also the tecnolgy they are speared heads thats what i know about the arhaic
  • Salz Bugers

    Salz Bugers came to Georgia March 12,1734. The settleed in Ebenezer.Cathoiles exiled them from Austria. They named ebenzer new ebnezer. In new farming .They made silk,lumber,cattle,farming.They also moved cause poor soil, Austria.
  • Eljah Clarke

    Elijah was born of 1742. he was a lietentant colonel of militia. He led a victory at kettle creek.He also fought the cherokees in 1776. He got a wounde in that fight .He got another wound in that fight. He got another wound when he faught in battle of Alligotors Bridge ,Flordia .As you can see he was in alot of battles.
  • Austin Dabney

    Austin Dabney was in the battle of kettle creek.Him and Elhjah Clark both fought in the battle which took place on Feb.14,1799.Austin was on african american.
  • Unversity Of Geogia Found

    The unvirstiy of georgia was incorporatect Janurary 27,1785. It was the first state in amercia .It has established in the city of Athens.New people moved to georgia to attend UGA college so it was an increase of population .
  • Constitiutional Convention

    Constiutional Convention took place on may 25 september 17,1778. It took place in philadephia,Pennsyvania.The reason for this convetion was so that they could address the promblem in governing the united states of america. The promblem were opreting under the articles of confedration.
  • Georgia Ratifies Constituion

  • Andrew Young

    Andrew young wasborn on march 12,1932 in new orleans louisiana. He gradated from howard unverstiy
  • Civil Rights Acts

    The civil rights acts was passed in 1964 .The provision of the civil right acts for bade discrimintion oon the bases of sex as well as race in hiring. firing promoting andsex wasadded on at the moment.
  • Lester Maddox

    Maddox was born in Atlanta on september 30,1915.In 1933 he dropped out of high school and was working at Ailantic steel and works progress Adimistration He married Regina cox in 1936.They were married for sixty-one years until she died in 1997.Maddox had the age of eight -seven on June, 25, 20003.
  • Missippian

    missippian was the first to have permanet settelment .they were the first culture to ilive just off of farm grown products .also the was organized aswell.
  • Herndo de sota

    Herndo traveled to gergia in search of gold desoto and his army wanted gold .soldiers killed thousands of native amercans.They also had better wepons .
  • woodland

    woodland live in ares for long periods of times .they also advanced pottery more like bows and arrows. they even hunt small game animals and they also strated farming. something i know about woodland.
  • Georgia founded

    georgia is located in the south eastern untied states it was established in 1732.
  • Capital moved to Louisville

    Louisville, the county seat of Jefferson County, also served as Georgia's third capital from 1796 until 1807. . In the 1890s the city created a public school system for white children six to eighteen years of age, and a school and an industrial instruction center were provided for the town's African American students.
  • Maynard Jackson Elected Mayor

    Jackson was born on march 23,1938in ballas Teaxts he severed eight years mayor and then returned for a third team 1990 following the mayorship of andrew young. In 1992 Jackson under went major heart surgery and annouced that he would not seek a fouth them due to health and personal concers jackson passed away on June 23,2003
  • 1906 Atlanta Riot

    During the Atlanta race riot that occurred September 22-24, 1906, white mobs killed dozens of blacks, wounded scores of others, and inflicted
  • Leo Frank .Case

    The Leo Frank case is one of the most notorious and highly publi cases in the legal annals of Georgia. A Jewish man in Atlanta was placed on trial and convicted of raping and murdering a thirteen-year-old girl who worked for the National Pencil Company, which he managed