Dec 12, 700
The initial human settlement of Georgia took place during one of the most dramatic periods.
Towad the end of ice age in late pleistocne epach.
Sum of the city`s are in New mexico town of clovs where the characteristics .
Pleistocene ice age "about 7,ooo B.C.
The period marks the first colonization of the new world by Homo Sapiens! -
Jan 1, 1000
Georgia's pehitstory is broadly dated from around history and archaeology.
Like those from the early woodland houses from this time were typically circular.
The late wooland period was time of apparent population. Dissertation although populations do not appear to have. -
Sep 9, 1500
Hernando de Soto
During there time de Soto was influenced by the achrevements of Juan Pancetta . The oral history of the various Native a American people's who resount the expedition . History and Archarologybheat left roasting on a batloocoay a wooden frame suspended . Over a wood fire two historical marked commemorate Hernando Soto's time in Georgial one along the. -
Oct 10, 1518
The located of missisppian is in the Midwestern and southeastern history and archheolegy ... Capitol. At this time was the Etowah site located in nolthwestern Georia near cartersvoille. Towns and ceremonial centers were built here. Found there is old river or stream channels where the best soil forbagniclture was found here. -
John Reynolds
John Reynolds , a captain in British Royal now served as ... Colonial Erab1733- 1775. By that time a letter from Jonathan Bryan one of the...... Kenneth Coleman colonials, Georgia a history ( New York: scrubber 1976). Royal Georgia refers to they period between the termination of..... History and archaeology a member of his cabinet known at various times as Secretetaty Of State for the .... John Reynolds , the first Royal governor of Georgia . -
James Wright
James Wright was the third and plast royal governor of Georgia ; serving from 1760 to colonial era 1733 -1775. James Wright (1716-1765) originay entry by Stan Deaton Gerogia Historical society . James wright was frequently referred to as one of America's finest contemporary poeds he was admired by critics and. On December 141927 James Arilngton was born in martins Ferry Ohio his father worked for fifty years at a. -
Henry Ellis
Henry Ellis the second royal governor of Georgia has been called ... It free a line down a line dawn the Appalachian moutalare range, for biding settlement to the. ....Grprgia historical papers Henry Ellis papers. Henry Ellis (172-1806) highly lnteligent and skillful man Henry Ellis defrayed lreland as a teenager forms life on the. Henry Eills (1721 -1805) was an exploroner , accthor and a colonial governor of U.S. State of Georgia and Noba Scotla . -
Georgia founed
A 19th -century cotton gin on display at the Eil. Discovered in the noth Georgia. The settlement they founded was named Savannah. Note: despite oglrthorpe's hopes to establish Georgia as a haven. The first twenty years of Georgia history are referred to as trustee Georgia. During that time a Board of Trustees ... colonial era 1733-1775 ... Cords is better known as the founder of the founding Hospital in London. -
Elijah Clarke /Kettle Cr.
Elijah Clarke was among the few heroes of the ... Clarke led a charge in the hebel victory at kettle creek Georgia ... Georgia hidtorical society: inc. collection of Revolutionary and early republic era. Eiljah clarkerl 1742-( December (15, 1799) born in 1742 at Anson county, North Carolina was an or river of the Georgia . Elijah Clare - militia leader at kettle creek ; gained weapons and Hores ... Clarke . -
Charter of 1732
The first twenty years of Georgia history are here red to as trustee. During that time a Board of trustees governed the colony. England's King Georgie sighed a charter establishing the ... colonial era 1733- 1775. King George ll issued Georgia's first official charter . Georig's Tuntees held their organizational meeting and elected. -
American Revolution
The American Revoution was a political upheaval that took place between 1765and 1783... Peace treaty in 1783 Loyalists were subjected to .... the stamp Act which imposed direct taxes on the colonies for the first time. Comprehensive Revolutionafy war timeline , from the French and Indian war to the constitution. From 1763-178. ..... the British colonists of mainland North Ametican continent the colonists looked forward to a time of uninterrupted peace , expansion and prospetity. -
Austin Dabney
Austin Dabney was a slave who become a private in the Georgia miltla and.... History and archaeology. Austin Dabney (1765-1830) was a slave who tought against the British in the American Revolutionary War. He was . No history of Austin Danney has turned up for when he lived to when George R. Gilmer published his . After the close of the war when prosperous times come Austin Dabney ocquined property in the year. Austin Dabnery was born inWake county Noth Carolina in 1768 . -
Highland Scots Arrive
Countless Highland scots migrated to North Claroilna during the colonail period in 1754. James Campbell arrived in Cumberland county. James Campbell establish three teA party; women and political awaress in revaluation -era north carolica. -
Salzburgers Arrive
IN what is now Effihham county arriving in 1734 the group received support from King George. More resources ... blog history and archaeology, colonial era 1733-1775. Evaluate the Teustee period of Georgia's colohial history alpha sizing the role or the salzburgers highland scots. Is Spanish threat from Florida 2,3 role ... new sellers arrival . -
Georgia Ratifies Constitution
The U.S. ......, February 10 Georgia elects delegates to the proposed constitutional convention. for ratifying. Constitution inflamed VA and WV . 1787 and Georigs on January 2 1788 both .., Rivarues were intense delays in setting up the first . -
University of Georgia Found
UGA was incirpororer by on act the General Assembly on January 27,1785 Georgia become the first state to charter a state supported University . IN 1784 the Grneral Asdembly set a side 40,000 acres of land to endow a General Assembly of a Moro. At the first meeting of the boardin feb. 13,1786, Abraham Bakfwin was Belected president of the university . A native of Connecticut and a orqduatebof Yale university Baldwin -- who had came to Georgia in 1784 - stated the charter, adopted by the General -
Capital Moved to Lousvile
Louisville is a city in Jefferoson county . Georgia U.S. It was an early capital of Georgia and is the county. Seat of Jeffrodon county . IT is located southwest of Augusta on the population was 2,712 at the 200 cersus. Though the name is of Frech Origan , it is pronuced Lewis-Ville . -
Constitutional covention
ON this day in history constitutional convention begins in May 25 1887. The constitutional convention in Philadelphia met between May Ana September of 1786 to address the . The constitutional convention ( also known as the Philadelphia .... Historical the convention ... Butvnowvatblength, I have the happiness to know it is a rising , and not a setting sun. -
Period: to
Yazoo land Fraud
IN U.S. history scheme by which Georgia legislators were business in 1795 to sell most of the land now makeing up the state of Geogrgia's western claims to 4 land companies for the sum of $ 500 ,000 , far below its potential market value . News of the Yazoo Act and the dealing behind itnarouse anger throughout the state and resulted in a the 1796!election . The new legislate promptly rescinded the moneyb. By this time , land had been resold to and parties , who refused the state's money and m -
Eli Whitney and The Votton Gin
IN 1794 U.S. -born lnventor Eil Whithey (1765-1825) patented the cotton gin, a machine that revolutionized the production of cotton by greatly speeding up the process of remaking seeds from cotton fiber. By the mind- 19th century cotton had become America leading expert. Despite its soeess , the gin made little money far Whithey due to patent , infingenent issues . Also , his invention offered southern planters a justification to maintain and expand slavery even as Ameriacan suppotted its aboi -
Missouri Compeomise
IN the years leading up to the Missouri compromise of 1820 tensions Degan to rise between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions within the U.S. Congress and across the county . They reached a balling point after Missouris 1819 request for admission to the union as a slave state , which threatened to upset the delicate balance between slave states and free state . To keep the peace, congress orchestrated a two - part compromise , orating Missouri's request but also admitting Maine as agree state -
Period: to
Dahlinega Gold Rush
The GGR was the 2 significant gold rush is the US and overshadowed the previous rush in North Caralina . IT stared in 1828 in present-day Lumpkin county near the county seat , Dahlonega , and soon spread through the North the GA. Gold Balt . By the early 1840's gold become diffcuit to find . Many GA. miners moved west when gold was Found in the sierrabNevada in 1748 , thenCailfornia Gold Rush . -
Worcester V. Georgia
WVGA. 31 U.S. (6 pet) 515 (1832) was a case in which the U.S. Supreme Court vacated the conviction of Samuel GA . Criminal statute that prohibited non-Native Amecians from being present on Native American lands without a license from the state was, unconstitutional. -
Henry McNeal Tumer
One of the most influential Afriacn American leaders in late 19th century GA . , Henry incense Tutner was a pioneering church And missionary for Afican Methodist Episcopal chug (AME) in GA. later rising to the rank of bishop . Turner was also an active politician and tecanstruction from macan . Later in life , he became an outspoken advocate of backb- to - Afican emigration . -
Period: to
Trail of Tears
IN l838 and 1831?as part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy ? the Cherokee nation was forced to give up is lands east of the Mississippi . River and to migrate to an area in present - day Oklahoma , The Cgerokee people called this journey the" Trail of Tears" because of its devastating effects . -
Period: to
Dred Scott Case
IN March 1857 in one of the most controversial enents preceding the Arnetivah civil war (1861-1865) , the u.s. Supreme Court issued its decision in the case of Dred Scott V. Sanford . The case had been brought before the court by Dred Scott , a slave who had lived with his owner in a free state before returning to the slave state of Missouri . -
Compromise of 1850
The compromise of 1850 was a package of 5 separate bills passed by the U.S. congress in September 1850 which defused a 4 - year poitical conorintstion between slave and free states regarding the status of territories acquired during the Mexicant Amercian war (1846-1848) the compromise , drafted by Whig senator Henry Clay and Democratic senator Stephen Douglas of . Lillian's reduced sectional confict. Controversy a rose over the fugitive slave provision. -
Georgia Platform
"The Geogia Plaform was a statement executed by a Georgia convention in millefgeville Georgia on December 10, 1850 in response to the compromise of 1850". -
Kansas - Nebrastan Act
The Kansas - Nebrastan Act was an 1854 that Mandared "popular" sovereignty " - allowing within a new state's borders proposed by Stephen A. Douglas - Abraham. Lincoln opponenent in the influential Lincoin - Douglas debates . The bill overturned the Missouri compromise's use of latitude as the boundary between slave and free territory . Kansa's was admitted as a free state in January ,1861 , only weeks after eight southern states seceded from the union ? -
Tom Watson and the populists
Thomas Edward Tom Watson (September 5 1856- September 26, 1922 was an American political attorney newspaper editor and writer form GA. In the 1800's Watson championed poor farmers as a , leader at the popuiet party . He was the nominee for Vice President with willing Jenings Bryan in 1896 on the popliteal ticket ( but there was a different Vice President nomination on Brons democratic ticket). -
Election of 1860
The democcrats met in Charlestown South Carolina , in April to select their candkate for president in the upcoming election . IT was turnout . Northern democrats halt that Stephen Douglas has the best chance to defeat" BLACK TEPUBLICAIVS ". -
Period: to
Union Blockade of Georgia
The battle between ship and share on the coast of confederderderate GA. was a pivotal part of the union strategy to Audie the war {1861_65} .U.S. president Anraham Lincoin'd call at the start of the war for a naval blockade of the entire southern coast time took time to materialize but by early 1862 under union anaconda plan . -
Battle oF Antietam
ThenAtmy of the Potomach , under the colnmand of George McCleilan mounted a series of powerful assaults against Rabert L. Lee's forces near vicious confederate counterattack mocks sweet back and forth through Miler's Corriedale and the wet woods . Later towards the center of the battle field , union assauits against the sunken road preced the confederate center after a terrible struggle . -
W.E.D. Dubois recognized as a sgniflcapt figure for his pursuit of social Justice for his literary imagination - 3 for his pioneering shoddy research .He is read with profit today in the academic fields of sociology literature and history & in the trans disciplinary realms of urban study's so & gender studies nevertheless Dubois has & remind still , a contentious figure. -
Battle of Chickamauga
The Battle of Ckickamauga , fought September 19-20 1863 marked the end of a union offensive in southeastern Tennessee and northwestern GA. called the Chickamauga campaign . The battle was the most significant union defeat in the western theater of the Ametican civil war and involved the 2 highest number of casualties in the war following the battle of Gettydburg. -
Period: to
Andersonville prison camp
The Andersonville Natonal Hisoric site located near Andersonville GA. preserves the former camp Sumter (also know as Andwersonville priso) a confederate prisoner - of - war camp during the American civil war .
Most of the site lies in southwestern mocon county , adjacent to the east side of to the east side of the town of Andersonville . As well as the former prison the site als contains the Andersonville Natonal cemetery and the Bational prisoner of war museum . -
Period: to
Sherman's Atana Csmpaign
IN the summer of 7864 during the U.S. Civil war ( 1861- 65 ) William T. Sherman faced off against confederate generals , Joseph E. Johnston and John B. Hood in a series of battles in northern GA. Sherman's goal was to destroy the army of the Tennessee . -
Period: to
Shermar's March to the sea
Sherman's Mach to the sea is the name commonly given to miltary Savannah campaign in the American civil war , comic red through GA. from November 15 to December 21 , 1864 by Maj. Gen. William Tecumrsh Sherman of the Union Arny . The compaign began with Sherpnans toops leaving the oaptured city of Atlanta , GA. on November ,15 and ended with the capturen of Savannah on Dec. 21 . -
Thirteenth Amendment
The Thirteeth Amendment ( Amendment (xll to the U.S. constitution oboished slavery and invoutary servitude , except as pusishment for a crime . IN congress it was passed by senate on April 8 1864 and by the house on Januery 31 , 1865 . The amendment was ratified by the required number of states on Decenbeg 6 ,1865 on December 13 1865 , secretary of state wllism it . Seward proclaimed its adoption . IT was the first of 3 reconstruction Amendments adopted filling the American civil war . -
Freedman's Bureau
The U.S. Bureau of refugees , lands , pop. as the freedmen is Bureau , was established in 1865 by congress to help former black slaves and poor whites in the south in the aftermath ( 1861- 65) . Some 4 million slaves gained their freedom as a result of the Union victory in the ar , which lady many communities in ruins and destroyed the south'a plantation based economy . -
KU Klux Klan Formed
Founded in 1865, to kkk sigh ( kkk) extended into almost ever southern stake by 1870 and become a vetvhice for white southern residtance to the republican party's reconstruction -era policies aimed at establishing political and ecormic equality for blacks. It's member's waged an underground Csmpaign of intimidation and violence directed , at white and black republican leaders . -
Fourteenth Amendment
The Fiurteenth Amendment addresses many aspects of citizenship and rights of citizens. The must commonly -- and frequently higher -- phrase im the amendment is equal protection of the lands " which figures prominently in s wide variety of land ant cases , including Brown V. Board of Education ( racial discrimination) Roe V. Wade ('reprodcrive rights)', Bush V. Gore (election recounts) Reed C. Reed gender discrimination) and university of valitionial V, Bakke ( ravial quotas in education). -
Fifteenth Amerdment
The 15th amendment to the constitution a ranted Adrian American men the right to vote by declaring that the right of citizens
Of the U.S. or by any state on account of race , color or previous condition of servitude Although tatfled on February 3 1870 , the promise of the 15th Amerdment would not be fully realized for almost a century . -
Booker T. Washington
Born in Virginia in the mid-to-late 18500 Booker T. Washington put himself through school and become a teacher . IN 1881 , be founded the Tuskegee( university ) which grew imnsely & focused on training Afican Americans in agricultural pup hits a political adviser & writer , Washington dashed with intellectual W.E.D. Du Bols over the best avenues for racial uplift. -
Period: to
International cotton Exposition
IN the late 19th takes &exposistions were an important way for cities to . Attract visitors and i investors who in an eta before radio & television, were eager to see new technology marvels on display th see events trove des civic leader's with a showcase to lure visitors,who were lug d to come and do business in the host location. -
Please v. Ferguson
1896 was landmark U.S. Supremes count decision (upholding the continuity in state laws requiring racial segregation in public faculties under the doctrine of " separate but equal. The decision was handed down by a vote of 7 to 1 with the majority opinion written by a justice billings Brown and I he dissent , written by Justice John Marshall Harlen. -
Alonzo Herndon
An Afican barber & entrepreneur , Alonzo Herndon was founder & president of th most successful black-owned in surname businesses in the nation . At the time of his death and in 1927, he was also Atanta's wealthiest black citizens owing more property than any other Afican American. Bron into slavery in Walton county on June 26 1858 , Alonzo Franklin Herndon grew up on a farm in social cute, forty miles east of Atlanta. -
1906 Atlanta Ritot
During the Atlanta race riot thAt occurred September 22-24 , 1906 , white Mocs killed dozens of others wounded scones of others and in frigated . Considerable property oamage , Allred newspaper reports of alleged assaults by block mates on white pedaled were the catalyst for the riot , but a # of unerring causes by bedad the outlawed of the mod vole fed ; By the 1880s Atlanta had become the hub of the regional economy and the city 's overall population scared from 89 , doom 1900 to 150,000,in- -
Period: to
County unit system
The county unit system was established in 1917 when the Georgia legiature over whelming dominated" by the Democratic Party , passed the well primary Act. This act formalized what had Operated ,as an informal system , instituted in Georgia in 1890, of allotting votes by county unit system continued to be used in democratic primaries for statewide or
Ffire & selected U.S. House districts until the early 1906's -
Period: to
Great Depression
The Great Depression was a severe world wide economic depression that took place during the 1930s . The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations however in most countries it stared in 1929 & lasted until the late 1930s . -
Agricultural Adjustment Act
The AAA) was a U. S. Federal law of the new Deal which pedicel agriculture production by paving farmers subsidies not to plant on part of their land to kill of excess livestock. ITs purpose was to reduce crop supine & therefore effectively raise the value of crops,. The money for these subsidies was generated througth an exclusive tax on companies which processed farm products. -
Rural Electrification
Rural electifucation is the processes of bringing electrical power to rural and remote areas. Electricity is used not only for lightning & household purposes , but it also allows for mechanization of many farming operations such as threshing , milking & hoisting grant for storage . IN aneas facing labor shortages this allows for greater productivity at reduced cost. -
Social Security
" Breif Graphic organizational History. The social security Adminstration (ssa) began life as the social security Board (SSB) . The SSB was created at the moment president Roosevelt inked his signature on the social security Act (August 14, 1935 at 3:30 p.m.) All people throughout all of human history have faced the unemployment illness , disability , death & old age. -
Eugene Talmadge
A controversial & colorful politician , Eugene talmdge played a leading role. in the states Lolita's from 1926 to 1946. During his & terms as state comunissionae of aoricutture & & terms as gevernor ,his person & actions polarized votes into Talmdges & anti- Talmadge fiction in the . States one -party political of that era. He was elected to a 4 teem as the states chief executive in 1946 but , died before taking office . Eugene Talmadge born on the faking Fran hear Porsche on September 23 ,to -
William B. Hartsfield
Willam B.Hartsfield was a man of humble origins who became one of the grestest mayors of Atlanta . He serived as mayors for 6 terms (1942-64) longer than any other. person in the citvis histony.Hartstfield held office during a czitizal period -
Period: to
world war 2
THE Holocasust took place in the broader context of world war 2 still reeling From Germanys defeaat in world war 1 , Hitler s goverment envisioneg a vast , new empi3e of" living space" [lebensraing in easten] Europe . The reailzation of German damince in europe , its leaders caluated ,would requre war. -
Peal Hardor
The attack on pearl Harabor also known as the Battle of pearl , the Hawaii operation or operation Al by the Japaness lmperial General , Hedquartes , & operation z during planning was a surprise military strike by the U.S. naval base at pear Harbor in U.S. Territory of Hawaii on the morning of December 7, 1941, The attack led to the U.S. entry into world war 2. -
Civilian conservation corps
America was in the grip of the Great Depression when franklin Delano Roosevelt was inaugurated in March of 193s more than 25 % of the population was unemployed , inungry & without hope. The new deal program's instituted blood changes in the federal government that energized . The economy & created an equally that helped to booster the needs of civilian conservation corps (ccc) . -
John & Lugenia hope
Lugenia Burns Hope ( February 19, 1871, St. Louis Missouri - August 14, 1946 , Nashville Tennessee )was a social reformer whose neighborhood Union and other community service organizations improved the quality of life for blacks , in Atlanta Georgia & served as a model for the future civil rights movement throughout her youth Lugenia Hope worked for various charitable organizations , inspired a lifelong interest in social outreach work. -
Richard Russell
Richard Brevard Russeel JR. (November 2,1896,) - January 21, 1971,) was an American pollination from Georgia . A member of the Demgovratic party , he beefy served as speaker of the Georgia house ,& as Governor of Georgia (1931-33) before serving in the U.S. senate for almost 40 years , from 1933 until his death from emphysema in in Washington , D.C. in 1971. -
carl vinson
Carl vinson recognizwd as the father of the 2-ocen navxll " served 15 consecutive tetrm,s the u.s. hOUSE OF reprentatives .When he retired in January 1965 he had served in the U.S.congress longer than anyone in history . -
IN this time most of Georgia was covered.
With oak-hickory hardwood forests.
The Archaic was followed in the Geek dark ages .
It's Greece history was from 800 B.C. -480 B.C.
Greece Minoan , Neolithic period Bronze Age Mycenaeaear Dark Ages Archaic.