Headright system
-White Male that is the "head" of a family had the "right" yo recive from 200 to 1000 acers of land
-Farmers and ranchers came to Georgia for fertile land -
University of Georgia
-Oldest school of its kind in the US
-All male, all white
-Called Frankline College
-Public school
-Oversee all public school -
-Two leading newspaper: Augusta Herald and Savannah's Gazette of the State of Georgia
-Later became the capital -
Cotton Gin
-Twice as fast as a slave
-So quick that more people are need to grow and pick cotton
-More dependent on slavery -
Yazoo Land Fraud
-People bribed for support
-Sold 34 million acers of land to four companies for $500,000
-In exchange, companies establish a presence, presence keeps the frontier safe, and settlers move to western Georgia
-Led to Trail of Tears -
Land Lottery
-West of Oconee river
-For a small fee: white male twenty-one or older could buy a chance and, on the spin of a wheel, win land
-Heads of household with kids, war veterans, and widows had extra chances
-Sold 3/4 of Georgia to 100,000 families and individuals -
-At first, rarely used
-Baltimore and Ohio Railroad had all 13 mile long railroad
-10 years later, Georgia has most of the 3330 miles of railroads
-Travle that used to take days now take hours -
Georgia Baptist Convention
-People came to Georgia for this
-Brought together all Baptist
-Sunday and weekday services intial part of life
-Circuit riders (ministers who went from district to distict)