George Washington

  • Early life- The day he was born

    Early life- The day he was born
    He was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia, United States
  • Early life- House

    Early life- House
    George Washington was born into a very wealthy farming family.
  • Early life- Surveyor

    Early life- Surveyor
    At the age of seventeen Washington became a country surveyor.
  • Military service- Militia

    Military service- Militia
    Joined militia and quickly promoted after and appointed major of militia.
  • Military service- French Indian war

    Military service- French Indian war
    He led an army in the french and indian war which lasted for 7 years.
  • Political career- House of Burgesses

    Political career- House of Burgesses
    Washington joined the Virginia house of burgesses in 1758 and left in 1765.
  • Political career- Congress

    Political career- Congress
    Washington became a delegate to the continental congress from the year 1774 to 1775.
  • Military service- Commander

    Military service- Commander
    Appointed commander in the continental army in 1775.
  • Military serivice- Yorktown

    Military serivice- Yorktown
    As the commander he won the war in Yorktown in1781.
  • Political Career- Constitutional Convention

    Political Career- Constitutional Convention
    Throughout the year 1787 Washington was president of the United States Constitutional Convention.
  • Political career- President

    Political career- President
    George Washington has become president of the United States.
  • Views on slavery- His death

    Views on slavery- His death
    The day Washington died is important to this topic because he said that his slaves are free but only once he has passed.
  • Legacy- Two term limit

    Legacy- Two term limit
    This was said by Washington as an un-written law. So in February of 1951 it was announced again that you could only be elected president for two times (which would mean 8 years would be the most one person could be as president). This has become the 22nd amendment.