George Washington

  • Early Life

    Early Life
    George Washington was born on Pops Creek Farm in Westmoreland County.
  • Early Life

    Early Life
    George Washington's father, dies
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    Early Life

    He entered public service at the you ago of 17,he become government surveyor
  • Military Service

    Military Service
    Lt. Col. Washington successfully attacked Fort Dunkin's French camp, the first meeting of the French and Indian Wars
  • Views on Slavery

    Views on Slavery
    In 1774, Washington publicly condemned slave trade on the moral grounds of the Fairfax resolution.
  • Legacy

    Joined the Virginia House of Burgesses
  • Legacy

    He was elected general and commander-in -chief of the continental Army
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    Military Service

    He led U.S. army at revolution war
  • Military Service

    Military Service
    The United States commands a major U.S. military force in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which is surrounding British-occupied Boston.
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    Political Career

    The U.S. Congress has ordered Washington to respond to attacks by Britain, India, and loyalty on settlements along the New York and Pennsylvania borders.
  • Political Career

    Political Career
    He led the continental army to its final victory against England,at the Battle of Yorktown,Virginia,in 1781
  • Legacy

    George Washington led U.S. army for the victory during the revolutionary war
  • Legacy

    After the war,Washington presided over the constitutional Convention,where the U.S. constitution was written.
  • Political Career

    Washington was informed that he was unanimously elected the first president of the United States.
  • Political Career

    Washington issued a declaration of neutrality to keep the United States in the war between France and Britain
  • Views on Slavery

    Views on Slavery
    Before he stepped down,washington delivered his Farewell Address
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    Views on Slavery

    The distillery was built on Mount Vernon Farm.
  • Views on Slavery

    Views on Slavery
    Washington drafted his will to free the slaves at Martha's death