Born as George walton lucas, Jr.in Modes to, California to Dorothy Bomberger Lucas and George Walton Lucas, Sr.
Graduates University of Southern California with a Bachelor
Marries Marcia lou Griffin
Lucas film ltd. is founded bu lucas
Star Wars or nos known as star wars episode iv: Anew Hops ,is released with a budget of $11,000,000 . lucas wrote and directed it with his wife marcia editing it . on opening day it rakes in $254,309frome just thirty-two theaters and almost grosses three
Raiders of the lost ark , a movie he co-writes and co-produses , is released with a budget of twenty million.
Howard the duck is released . lucas executive producer , disowns the movie shortly after
indiana jones and the last crusade , a movie he co-writes and co-produces with a budget of forty-eight million dollars
star wars episode l: the phantom menace is released with a budget of $ 115,000,000 . he is director writer and executive producer
star war episode lll : revenge of the sith is released with a budget of $ 113,000,000 he is director writer and executive