The birth of George Bush
George Bush was born on July 6, 1946. -
The birth of Robin Bush
Robin Bush was born. -
The birth of Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush was the brother of George Bush born on February 11, 1953. -
The death of Robin Bush
Robin Bush died because of Leukemia. -
The birth of Neil Bush
Neil Bush was a brother to George Bush born on January 22, 1955. -
The birth of Marvin Bush
Marvin Bush was born. -
The birth of Dorothy Bush
Dorothy Bush was a sister to George Bush born on August 18, 1959. -
George Bush gets married with Laura. -
Becomes Vice President
George Bush has become Vice President. -
The birth of Barbra Pierce Bush
George Bush has a new baby girl. -
The birth of Jenna Hager
George Bush has a new baby girl. -
Elected President
George Bush was elected president.