3000 BCE
Ancient / Egypt
-(3000BC) Used Geometry to construct buildings.
-The Egyptions didn't use the Pthagorean Theorem.
-The only surviving document is the "Rhind and Moscow papyri".
-(Ahmes 1689-1620BC) wrote the Rhind Papyrus.
-(Anon 1750BC) Wrote the Moscow papyrus. -
2000 BCE
Ancient / Babylon
-(1800BC) Knew and used Pythagorean Theorem 1000 years before the Greeks.
-(1500) Yale tablet was created.
-(1000BC) The Plimton 322 was created.
-(832BC) The Susa tablet was created.
-(400BC) The Dhibayi tablet was created -
1500 BCE
Ancient / India
-(1500BC) The Vedas were formed.
-(800BC) The Buadhayana wrote the first Sulbaustra.
-(825BC) Storted using geometry to build altars.
-(750-690BC) Manava-Contains approximate construction of circles from rectangles and squares
-(600-540BC) Apastamba - considers the problem of squaring the circle, and dividing segments. -
600 BCE
Greek / Classical
-(600BC) Defined by the facts that Greek mathematics was confined to Greece.
-(585BC) Thales of Miletus was the first Greek mathematician and philosopher.
-(510BC) Pythagorean arithmetic and geometry by Pythagoreans secret society of pure mathematicians.
-(430BC) Hippocrates write the Elements of Geometry.
-(420BC) Hippas finds the quadratrix. -
300 BCE
Middle Ages / Islamic
-European knowledge of math and music was limited.
-In the 12th century Itally started trade with the east and gained east knowlege.
-The first big mathematician was Leonardo of Pisa
-Rene Descartes was an underrated mathematician. -
200 BCE
Ancient / China
-started using math back in the 2nd Century.
-Chinese used bamboo rods to count number.
- The Chiniese used the Abacus.
-Created the Lo Shu Square
-In the 13th century math in China advanced -
200 BCE
Greek / Hellenistic
-started in the 3rd Century.
-Euclid was the first chronicler of the Hellenistic time period.
-Manelaus was the first geodesic Of the Hellensitic period.
-Diophantus was the first to recognize fractions in the 3rd century. -
Middle Ages / 17 Century
- Math expanded during the Renaissance.
- John Napier created the logarithm. -The logarithm is the exponent when that number is expressed as a power of 10
Middle Ages / 18th Century
-Many of the 18th century mathematicians were students of Newton and Leibniz.
-The Bernoullis dominated this time period.
-German mathematician Christian Goldach started the Goldach Conjecture. -
Middle Ages / 19th Century
-Joseph Fourier's studied infinite sums .
- Infinite sums was a trigonometric functions
-Jean-Robert Argand published his paper on how complex numbers represent geometric diagrams. -
Modern / 20th Century to present
- British mathematician G.H. Hardy and Indian Mathmatician Srinivasan Ramanujan were two big influences in math. -(1904) Johann Gustav Hermes completed his construction of a regular polygon. -(Summer of 1900) A convention in Paris was one of the biggest influences of math in history.