Geological Timescale Timeline Project

  • Precambrian Period

    There is very little plant life during this period.
    Nearly half of the valuable mineral deposits in the world occur in the
    rocks of this period.
  • Period: to

    A. Perdomo - Period 3

    Geological Timescale
  • Cambrian Period

    Trilobites appear.
  • Ordovician Period

    Shelled brachiopods appear.
    Colonies of tiny invertebrates call graptolites flourished ad vertibraes appear, fish di not have jaws or teeth and thei bodis were overed wit bony plates.
  • Silurian Period

    Eurypterids (sea scorpions), sea stars adcoral become more common.
  • Devonian Period

    Age of ishes, fishes that can breathe out of te water and spend time on landform.
  • Carboniferous Period

    Swamps and forests cover the land.
    Giant cockroaches appear.
    Early reptiles resembling large lizards appear.
    Huge plants begin to develop, early amphibians form.
  • Permian Period

    Many early mammals become extinct, clams and snails flourish.
  • Triassic Period

    Flying reptiles, called pterosaurs are in the air now.
  • Jurassic Period

    Small rodents evolve.
  • Cretaceous Period

    Himalayas develop due to uplifting caused by the Indian subcontinent and Eurasian continents colliding.
    Some scientists believe that human kind has caused mass extinctions of plant and animal species, polluted the oceans and altered the atmosphere.
    Welcome to the world of the dinosaur! Enter the squirrel sized dinosaur & the first forest dwelling mammals appear.
    Ichthyosaurs are living in the ocean, new invertebrates call ammonite develop.
  • Paleogene Period

    Impact hypothesis - dinosaur mass extinction.
    Vascular land plants an animals, such as scorpions begin to evolve land.
    Flying squirrels, wales and bats appear.
  • Neogene Period

    World wide temperature drop about 4 degrees Celsius (39.2 degrees Fahrenheit)
    Mediterranean Sea dries up and refills several times due to tectonic forces and dropping sea levels.