Period: to
Precambrian Time
first crustal rocks form.
Earths surface is cool enough for liquid water
first known unicellular life appears
Earths atmoosphere starts to become oxygen rich
first known multicellular life appears
first fungi appear
First shelled organisms such as arthopods and mollusks appear
Period: to
The Paleozoic Era
First possible vertebrates appear
Modern, oxygen-rich atmosphere has formed
First known unicellular life appears
First anthropods, amphibians, and reptiles appear.
Formation of pangea is complete.
Permian mass extinction results from major enviornmental changes
Period: to
The Mesozoic Era
Pangea begins to break apart
The last dinosaurs become extinct. catastrophic metorite impact occurs
Period: to
The Cenozoic era
Most modern mammal families, including whales, carnivores, hoofed animals, primates, and first grasses appear.
india collides with asia, and antartica drifts over the south pole
First hominids(early human ansestors) appear.
modern ice age begins
modern humans appear