Geologic Timeline Kaspar

  • Period: 541 BCE to 485 BCE

    Cambrian Period - 541-485 MYA

    Multi-celled organisms began to evolve at once in the Ocean.
    Land was lifeless, life is under water.
    It is still cold, but it starts to warm up. The ice and the glacier begin to go away.
  • Period: 485 BCE to 440 BCE

    Ordovician Period - 485-440 MYA

    Organisms increases complex and food chains gain. Marina fauna increases and coral reef starts appearing. Mollusks and jawed fish came into prominence. Animals develop attributes to survive against others.
  • Period: 440 BCE to 419 BCE

    Silurian Period - 440-419 MYA

    Three continents began to drift together near the equator to form a 2nd supercontinent. The temperature is warm and the sea level is getting higher till the mid of the period and fall through the rest of the period. Giant storms are on the ocean increased by warm glacier water. Vascular plants start to grow along rivers.
  • Period: 419 BCE to 360 BCE

    Devonian Period - 419-360 MYA

    The soils is red and indicates a high mineral content. Plants and animals of the arthropod family, like insects grow along the shores. The first jawed fish appeared in the ocean. The climate was dry and warm (around 30 degrees celsius). Stromatoporoids and most of the jaw-less fish died out.
  • Period: 360 BCE to 300 BCE

    Carboniferous Period - 360-300 MYA

    The climate is tropical warm (20'C) and humid. Sea water often flood the land and make it into peat. Big lepidodendrales and scale trees were abundant during this time. Priapulids entered the scene. The up to 2.6 meter long marine worms lived in the moist, swampy environment. Corals dominate the oceans life. To the end the temperature went down and it turned dry.
  • Period: 300 BCE to 250 BCE

    Permian Period - 300-250 MYA

    The period starts with a ice time, but the climate began to warm up. Conifer groups and ginkgo plants took hold during this time. Insects become prominent. Archosaurs and synapsids early relatives of mammals) began to rise. This period end with a bang thanks to the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event. Probable 90% of marine animals and 70% of terrestrial animals died.
  • Period: 250 BCE to 200 BCE

    Triassic Period - 250-200 MYA

    Tectonic forces started driving Pangea apart into two supercontinent: Laurasia towards the north and the supercontinent Gondwana towards the south. Climate was hot and dry with icing the poles. A mass extinctions at the end of the Triassic Period killed half of all marine genera and opened
    new opportunities for dinosaurs.
  • Period: 200 BCE to 145 BCE

    Jurassic Period - 200-145 MYA

    Dinosaurs and reptiles dominated the period and continents, but also birds and early little mammals take place. The interior of the continents turned more humid and less arid. Conifers trees were common everywhere.
  • Period: 145 BCE to 66 BCE

    Cretaceous Period - 145-66 MYA

    Continents move more away to todays destination. Insects become bigger numbers. Reptiles dominate furthermore the world of animals. Marine fauna became more diverse with animals like sharks. Earth began to cool throughout the first half of this period. Higher latitudes had snow and the tropics lots of rain. At the and of this period a collision with a large object caused 75% of all of the world’s species to go extinct.
  • Period: 66 BCE to 2 BCE

    Tertiary Period - 66-2.58 MYA

    Ocean level was high. The warm climate favored jungles and forests, but the climate became cooler. That allowed other plants to establish and spread out like grass. All the dinosaurs were wiped out and mammals overtook the main group of animals. Primates got prominence by the end of the period. Continents keep moving and the period ends with another ice time.
  • Period: 2 BCE to 1 CE

    Quaternary Period - 2.6 MYA-now

    The climate turns from a ice time to a warm time. A lot of big mammals with thick hair like mammoth die out. First humans take place 190 000 years ago in Africa.