Cambrian Period
the Cambrian period marks as an important in the history of life on earth. It is the time when most of the major groups of animals first appear in the fossil record. -
Ordovician Period
The Ordovician period lasted almsot 45 million years. Begining 488.3 million years ago and ending 437.7 million years ago. During this period the North of the tropics was almost entirely ocean. This period was also best known for its diverse marine invertebrates,including grapotolites,trilobites,brachiopods,and the conodonts.(early invertebrates.) -
Silurian Period
The Silurian Period (443.7 to 416.0 million years ago) was a time when the earth underwent considerable changes that had important repercussions for the environment and the life within it. Coral reefs made its first appearance during this time, and the Silurian was also a remarkable time in the evolution of fishes. -
Devonian Period
during the Devonian Period two major animal groups colonized the land. The first Tetrapods - land living vertebrates _ appeared during the Devonian, as did the first terrestrial arthropods. Including wingless insects and the earliest arachnids. -
Carboniferous Period
The Carboniferous period lasted from about 359.2 to 299 million years ago during the late Paleozoic era. The Carboniferous plants resemble those that live in tropical and mildly temperate areas today. -
Permian Period
the Permian Period lasted from 299 to 251 million years ago and was the last period of the Paleozoic era the distinction between the Paleozoic and mesozoic is made at the end of the Permian in recognition of the largest mass extinction recorded in the history of life on earth it affected marine communities by far. -
Triassic Period
a time of transition it was at the time that the world continent of Pangea existed the holdovers included the iycophytes , glossoopterids and dicynodonts. -
Jurassic Period
great plant eating dinosaurs roaming the earth, feeding on lush ferns and palm like cyads and bennettitaieans... smaller but vicious carnivores stalking the great herbivores . oceans full of fish, squid, and coiled ammonites plus great ictithyosaurs and long necked plesiosaurs. -
Cretaceous Period
Is defined as the period between 145.5 and 65 million years ago the last period of mesozoic era following the Jurassic and ending with the extinction of the dinosaurs except birds. -
Tertiary Period
marks the begining of the Cenozoic era it began 65 million years ago and lasted more than 63 million years until 1.8 million years ago the Tertiary is made up of 5 epochs. -
Qarternary Period
Is the most recent geological period of the time in earth's history , spanning the last two million years and extending up to the present day.