Paleozoic Cambrian 570M - 500M
Earlist record of marine life - Trilobites are dominant -
Paleozoic Ordovician 500M - 435M
Echinoderms (Starfish, sand dollar, sea urchin and sea cucmbers) invertebrates are dominat, mollusks become abudant. earliest fish that are jawless and later, jawed and amrored fish, -
Paleozoic Silurian 435M - 395M
earlist terrestrial plants and animals. Tikaalik eurypterids develop -
Paleozoic Devonian 395M - 345M
Amored fish go extinct, but abundance of several speices of fish.
ealiest amphibian and ammonites. -
Paleozoic Carboniferous (Mississippian, Pennsylanian) 345M - 280M
abundant sharks and amphibians. large swamps and coal formin forest. earliest reptiles. scales trees and send ferns -
Paleozoic Permian 280M - 225M
extinciton of many types of marine animals including trilbites -
Mesozoic Triassic 225M - 195M
earliest Dinosaurs, abundant cycads and conifers -
Mesozoic Jurassic 195M - 136M
Earliest Birds and mammals abundant dinosaurs and ammonites -
Mesozoic Cretaceous 136M - 65M
Earliest flowering plants, climax of dino follwed by thier extinction. Great decline of brachiopods abundance of bony fish. -
Cenozoic Tertiary 65M - 1.8M
Earliest Placental Mammals, Morden Mammals, Large running Mammals -
Cenozoic Quaternary 1.8M - Present
Large Carnivores, Neanderthals, Humans, Mastodons