Geologic Time Scale Shelby Schied

  • Cambrian Period-570-500 MYA

    Cambrian Period-570-500 MYA
    The Cambrian period had an abundant amount of marine organisms and the Earth was covered in oceans, All life was in oceans.
  • Ordovician-500-435

    Area north of tropics was almost entirely ocean with supercontinent Gondwana dominating south. known for diverse marine invertebrates with some signs of early vertebrates.
  • Silurian-443-395

    Earth underwent considerable chamges from the melting of large glaciers causing rising sea levels. Coral reefs first appeared and fish went through remarkable evolution.
  • Devonian-395-345

    Primarily small plants but first land living verebrates introduced as well as wingless insects and arachnids. There was two supercontinents, Gondwana and Euramerica
  • Carboniferous-345-280

    Earliest reptiles and abundant sharks and amphibians. Scale tree and coal forming forest. Amnoite eggs gave ancestors of birds ability to lay their eggs and not fear desiccation.
  • Permian-280-225

    Largest mass extinction in recorded history of earth. Extinction of many kinds of marine life. Massive areas of land and water. Single ocean known as Panthalassa.
  • Triassic-225-195

    After mass extinctio form Permian period new groups flourished. Earliest dinosaurs found. There was abundant cycades and conifers.
  • Jurassic-195-136

    Abundant plant eating dinosaurs roaming the earth and ammonites. Earliest birds like pterosuars.
  • Cretaceous-136-65

    Last portion of "age of dinosaurs". The break up of the world-continent Pangea continued. Great decline of brachiopods. Abundance of boney fish and earliest flowering plants.
  • Tertiary-65-1.8

    Earliest placental mammals, many modedern mammals and large running mammals.
  • Quaternary-1.8-Present

    There was large carnivores, neanderthals, humans and mastodons. Climate was much drier and colder early on than in present time.