Geologic Time Scale

  • Birth of the Earth

    Birth of the Earth
    Birth of earth
    About 4.4 billion years ago is when earth started to form. Earth was made of debris from a star that had blown up,
  • Precambrian time

    Precambrian time
    Precambrian video
    Fossils were formed , Fossilized remains of plants and animals buried when the sediments were formed. The final stages of Precambrian time were global ice age. This could have led to widespread extinctions,
  • Pliocene at 8pm

    Pliocene at 8pm
    Very large carnivours began to develope. fifth Pliocene epoch wa the fifth epoch of the Cenozoic era.
  • Cambrian

    Cambrian article
    Many of the marine shells started to develop.Along with that became the first vertebrates. ( back bone animals/fish)
  • Ordovician

    The most primitive vertebrates were fish. Clam like brachiopods and cephalopod mollusks became dominant invertebrates.
  • Silurian

    Modern sea stars and corals became more common. Fossils of giant eurypterids have been discovered.
  • Devonian

    Fossils of many bony fish were discovered. Land plants, such as giant horsetails, fernes and seed-bearing plants began to develop.
  • Carboniferous/Mississippian period

    Carboniferous/Mississippian period
    The Carboniferous Period began 354 million years ago. At the end of the Carboniferous period is when animals started going extinct. Mostly the marine enviroment went extinct because of climate change .
  • Carboniferous/pennsylvanian

    The climate was very warm. Also it was mostly forest and swamps. Many reptiles and amphibians took up a population.
  • Permian

    Continents had joined. Northwest of mountains was desert and dry.There was a mass extinction.
  • Triassic

    Dinosaurs and reptiles lived in the triassic oceans. The first mammals were found on earth.
  • Jurassic

    Jurassic' >Jurassic article</a>
    There were Herbivours. Two kinds of dinosaurs were saurischians and apatosaurs. There was flying reptiles too.
  • Cretaceous

    There was a big mass extinction so no fossils were found or formed.
  • Paleocene at 7am

    Paleocene at 7am
    It is the first epoch of the Paleogene period in the modern Cenozoic era. The paleocene happened right after the mass extiction.
  • Eocene at 9am

    Eocene at 9am
    The oldest mammal fossil was found in this time. This epoch had the highest temperatures of the entire Cenozoic Era.
  • Oligocene at 12pm

    Oligocene at 12pm
    Oligocene Epoch has lasted 11 million years. Animals such as horses, deer, camel, elephants, cats, and dogs started to become more popular.
  • Miocene at 1pm

    Miocene at 1pm
    Mammals and birds developeds, whether as herbivores, large predatory ,mammals and birds, Sea creatures began to devlope.
  • Pleistocene at 11:30pm

    Pleistocene at 11:30pm
    Global cooling and ice ages took place. Mammoths were found during the Pleistocene Epoch.
  • Holocene at 11:59pm

    Holocene at 11:59pm
    Holocene article
    Humans started arriving in this time. There was no more ice ages happening,