
By sentus
  • Period: 9999 BCE to 3000 BCE


    start with the start of the humans finish when they invent the writing
  • 3000 BCE


  • Period: 3000 BCE to 476

    Acient age

    start with the invent of the writing finish with the fall of the
  • 476

    fall of western Roman empire

    fall of western Roman empire
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    medieval age

    start with the fall of westernroman empire finish with columbus discovered america
  • 1492

    columbus discovered america

    columbus discovered america
  • Period: 1492 to

    modern age

    start with columbus discovered america and finish with the french revolution
  • french revolution

    french revolution
  • Period: to

    contenporany age

    start with french revolution and don't finish yet