genocide timeline. By Julian Zaragoza & TJ McCrory

  • Armenian genocide

    where- ottoman emipire
    1.5 million deaths, deportation, armenian population
    1.5 million dead out of the armenian population.
    the flow of deported goods stopped, leading the population to poverty.
  • Holodomor famine

    killing by starvation. Scholars disagree on the relative importance of natural factors.
    Ukrainians, 1.8- 12 million dead. many die and jobs go out which caused more to go into poverty and die of starvation.
    farmed goods were not being deported to other countries.
  • The Holocaust

    in WWII the german leader Adof Hitller attempted to wipe out the jewish population aroung the world, leaving millions dead
    11 million known jewish bodies.
    more then half of the jewish population in Germany were wipped out or forced into concentration camps to work as slaves or to be killed in a gas chamber.
    jewish people were forced to wear the star of david to show the germen soulders they were jewish in case of a selection.
  • Cambodian genocide

    1975-1979, Cambodia.
    the KR planned to crate a form of agrarian socialism founded on the ideas of stalinism & manism. 20,000 mass graves known.
    on January 2, 2001 the government passed legislation to try a limited number of the KR leadership.
    nearby countries were loosing profit because Cambodia was not buying AID.
  • Bosnian Genocide

    Bosnia and Herzegovia
    ethnic cleansing, former Bosnian serb leaders are both on trial
    8,000 Bosnian civilians killed.
    mass killing took place leading the ethnic cleansers to life in prison or death sentince.
    many Bosnian civilians fleed to the nearest country to stay safe.
  • Rawandan genocide

    April 7, to mid July
    a general mass slaughter of the Tutsi and moderate Hutu
    100,000 to 500,000 bodies
    20% of the poulation was wiped out
    the UN had to flee other countries around the world to help in Rwanda.
  • Darfurian genocide

    2003 to present
    Darfur Sudana war in Darfur that began on Feb 2003 when the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and the Justice and Equality Movement took up arms agents the government of Sudan.
    178,258-461,520 Sudanese killed.
    the conflict is still going on to present day.
    NGO's offer donated goods and farmed goods from all over the world to help the families who are stuck in crossfire.