Genocide in Rwanda

  • Racial Identifaction Cards Introduced

    Racial Identifaction Cards Introduced
    ID cards
    The administration of Ruanda-Urundi is left in the hands of the Tutsi aristocracy. The Belgians, influeanced by the inceasingly popular theory of social Darwinism, recognize the more 'developed' Tutsi as a superior and more 'European-like' ethnic group. This is soon followed by the adminstering of Ethnic ID cars, which introduced a harsh racial concept of group idenity that had previously existed in Rwandaon Society.
  • Prevention of Genocide

    Prevention of Genocide
    The convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by United Nations general assembly on December 9, 1948. This was the response to the horrible Jewish Holocaust. It was an international agreement to prevent this tradegy to happen again. This intervention became useless in the Rwanda Genocide.
  • The signing of Arusha Peace Agreement

    The signing of Arusha Peace Agreement
    Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana and RPF sign Arusha Peace Agreement. This peace agreement stipulates a 22-month transitional government with 37 days, elections by 1995 and the deployment of an international peacekeeping forse in Rwanda. The Arusha Peace Agreement later on fails.
  • President Habryarimana and President of Burundi are killed

    President Habryarimana and President of Burundi are killed
    2 days after signing the Arusha Peace Agreement, President Habyarimana and Burundi's President Cyprien Ntaryamira killed when the rocket strikes when they were in their plane outside the Kigali Airport.
  • Rwandan Armed Forces set up roadblocks

    Rwandan Armed Forces set up roadblocks
    The Rwandan Armed Forces (FAR) and the interhamwe set up roadblocks from the UN and go to house to house killing Tutsi and moderate Hutu politicians. Thousands dies on the first day. U.N. forces stand by while the slaughter goes on. The U.N. are forbidden to intertwine with the Rwandan Armed Force are killing helpless people.
  • Massacre at Gikondo

    Massacre at Gikondo
    WebsiteHundreds of Tutsis are killled in the Pallottine Missionary Catholic Church. Since the killers were clearly targeting only Tutsi, The Gikondo massacre was the first cllear sign that a genocide was occuring.
  • Massacre at the Nyarubuye Roman Catholic Church

    Massacre at the Nyarubuye Roman Catholic Church
    The victims were Tutsi and Hutu moderates who had sought refuge in the Church. Men, women, and children were reported to have been killed harshly. The attackers killed 20,000 refugees by using machetes, clubs, spears, guns, hand grenades, and more.
  • Prime Minister is killed

    Prime Minister is killed
    10 Belgian soldiers are murdered that were assigned to gaurd moderate Hutu Prime Minister, Agathe Uwiliyingimana and the U.N. decides to cut its forces from 2,500 to 250. The Prime Minister is killed and the Belgians soldiers are disarmed, tortures, shot, and hacked to death. They had been told not to resist violently by the U.N. force commander, as it wouldn't have been consider a peaceful act.
  • Acts of Genocide may have occured

    Acts of Genocide may have occured
    The UN Security Council issues a resolution saying that 'acys of genocide may have been committed'. The UN approves the deployment of 5,500 peacekeepers to protect refugees. However, disagreements over financing delays the mission. The Red Cross has estimated that over 50,000 Tutsi have now died.
  • Georges Rutaganda found guilty of Genocide

    Georges Rutaganda found guilty of Genocide
    A leader of a Hutu militia that helped lead the genocide, businessman Goerges Rutaganda, if found guilty of Genocide and crimes against humanity. Georges Rutaganda was sentenced to life in prison. He was the sixth person found guilty since the tribunal began hearings in Arusha, Tanzania