Genghis khan wc 9308634 1 402

Gengis Khan

  • Oct 21, 1155


    Gengis Khan is born around border of Mongolia and Siberia
  • Oct 22, 1168

    Kills his brother

    At age 13, Gengis Khan kills his brother with an arrow.
  • Oct 22, 1171

    Marriage and Alliance

    At age 16 Gengis Khan decides to marry. As a gift for marriage they give Gengis Khan a stable coat. He rides off leaving his mother and wife to a cheiftan who was his fathers friend. He gives his stable coat to him as a gift/alliance made.
  • Oct 22, 1206

    Gengis Khan is made supreme ruler

    Gengis Khan is made supreme ruler
    In 1206 his people make Gengis Khan their supreme ruler.
  • Period: Oct 22, 1206 to Oct 22, 1227

    Reign of Gengis Khan

    Gengis's reign as ruler of the Mongol Empire. The Mongols Empire is the largest Empire in history. Gengis's decendants eventually help expand the empire even further
  • Oct 22, 1214

    Attack on Jin dynasty

    Attack on Jin dynasty
    He captures Chinas capital,now bejing, despite the efforts of constructing the Great Wall of China. The Mongol use women and children as meat shields to protect them. Jin rulers agree to hand over silk, silver, gold and horses.
  • Oct 22, 1219

    Mongols attack Khwarizm Empire

    Mongols attack Khwarizm Empire
    The Mongols launch an attacked against Khwarizm Empire, present day Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Iran. The sultan had made a trade treaty, however when the goods arrived the merchants were killed and goods stolen. Mongol attacked several Khwarezm cities including Bukhara, Samarkand and Urgench. Skilled workers were usually saved, while aristocrats and resisting soldiers were killed.
  • Oct 21, 1227


    Gengis Khan dies in 1227 at age 62. Legend has it that he fell off his horse one day suffering internal injuries and died. No one knows his burial gorund today.