Genghis Khan: a Military Leader

  • 1162

    Birth of Temujin

    Birth of Temujin
    Genghis Khan was born around the year 1162, in north central Mongolia. While the exact date of his birth is unknown according to legend he was born with a blood clot in his right hand which the Mongols believed meant he would become a leader. Temujin was a descendant of Khabul Khan a mongol who had briefly united the mongols against China in 1100. This is significant because it shows how even in birth Genghis Khan was already set up to be leader. Source: (
  • Period: 1162 to 1228

    The Life of Genghis Khan

  • 1163

    Construction starts on Notre-Dame de Paris

    Construction starts on Notre-Dame de Paris
    The first cornerstone of the Notre Dame Cathedral is laid in 1163, this marks the beginning of construction. The cathedral was completed around the year of 1345. The famous flying buttresses were not intended to be around the nave and choir at first, but due to the height of the structure and the thinness of the walls leading to cracks. The architects built outside supports, and eventually continued the design throughout the building. Source(s): (; Grun 43 )
  • 1167

    Oxford University grows dramatically

    Oxford University grows dramatically
    While no true foundation date of the Oxford University is known, what is known is that the university started to grow in the 1167. This growth is due to many Englishmen returning from the University of Paris. Some historians even say there is some evidence of teachings in 1096. Today it is known as the oldest university in the world. The university still is open today and fully functional in its location in Oxford, England. Source(s): (; Grun 43)
  • 1171

    Temujin's Early Life Experiences

    Temujin's Early Life Experiences
    When he was nine, Temujin was taken to meet the tribe of his future wife Borte. While coming back to his home tribe he and his father encountered a rival tribe known as the Tatars who invited his father to dinner only to poison him. Temujin's tribe exiled him from the tribe due to not recognizing his leadership. The tribe kicked out his family of brothers and half-brothers and after that they went to an almost refugee status. This shows that Temujin was a born leader.
    ( Schlager 1)
  • 1173

    Temujin's Early Life Experiences Cont.

    Temujin's Early Life Experiences Cont.
    After fighting with his half-brother over the hunting gains, which ended up in Temujin killing his half-brother and establishing his dominance over the family. At the age of 16 Temujin married Borte, cementing the alliance between his tribe and the Konkirat tribe. After Borte got kidnapped by the Merit tribe and given to the chieftain as a wife, she gave birth to Jochi though the legitimacy of him being the son of Temujin was doubted, Temujin at 20 years old was then kidnapped by a rival tribe.
  • 1177

    The founding of Belfast, Ireland

    The founding of Belfast, Ireland
    The city of Belfast, Ireland (today known as the capital of Northern Ireland) was founded in the year of 1177 by John de Courcy. The picture is of Modern-Day Belfast.
    Source(s): (; Grun 44 )
  • 1187

    Temujin obtains the title of Genghis Khan

    Temujin obtains the title of Genghis Khan
    Following the defeat of the Taichi'uts the tribe that kidnapped Temujin and tried to enslave him, though he escaped and got revenge by boiling the leaders alive. Eventually Temujin and his union of tribes defeat more adversaries, gaining control of Central and Eastern Mongolia. By this point the rest of the tribes declare Temujin, Genghis Khan and the leading shaman called him the vessel of the most important mongol deity. This shows Khan was a leader chosen by god. (, Schlang 1)
  • 1191

    2nd Era of Maya Civilization in Central America Begins

    2nd Era of Maya Civilization in Central America Begins
    After the destruction of their major city of Chichen Itza, the Maya lacked a power in their region until the rise of the city of Mayapan in the 12th century. What we know as 1167 was the postclassic period in Mayan history. Since there was a lot of warfare in the region cities came to be built on hills or areas that were easy to defend. Mayapan was later abandoned around 1448.
    The city in the picture is Palenque (Reconstructed). Source(s): (; Grun 46 )
  • 1194

    Genghis Khan's Children

    Genghis Khan's Children
    Genghis Khan had many wifes as was mongol custom though his empress, Borte was the first, marrying at the age of 16. Borte and Genghis had four children, Jochi, Ogedoi, Chagatai, and Tolui though being the youngest would father Kublai Khan another great and famous mongol figure. (
  • 1202

    The Beginning of the Fourth Crusade under Boniface of Montferrat

    The Beginning of the Fourth Crusade under Boniface of Montferrat
    The Fourth Crusade started in January 1202 when Pope Innocent III called leaders of armies from many christian nations to take arms and invade Egypt. The goal of this was to get to the Muslim-occupied Jerusalem and liberate it from the Muslims, the same goal of the last three Crusades.Though they then made a deal with a Byzantine king in order to restore his father to the throne, but he ended up getting killed and Constantinople being sacked. Source(s): (; Grun 48 )
  • 1207

    Genghis Khan attacks the Chinese Kingdoms (Xi Xia and Jin Dynasty)

    Genghis Khan attacks the Chinese Kingdoms (Xi Xia and Jin Dynasty)
    In 1207, the newly promoted Khan, Temujin leads many armies to take the kingdom of the Xi Xia due to food and resources in the region becoming scarce it was likely an invasion was coming to take over the kingdom. After two years his armies forced the kingdom to surrender. Next he struck againist the Jin Dynasty to take over its vast rice fields and wealth, so Khan's armies headed over to take over the region though it would take almost 20 years. (Schlang 1, Lane 1)
  • 1214

    The birth of Roger Bacon- the greatest scientist of his time.

    The birth of Roger Bacon- the greatest scientist of his time.
    This is the year when the best scientist of the 12th century, Roger Bacon is born. Roger Bacon is an English philosopher and educational reformer. Bacon was a great person in the field of experimental medieval science. Source(s): (; Grun 49 )
  • 1217

    Establishing Trade with the Khwarezm Empire

    Establishing Trade with the Khwarezm Empire
    At the beginning Genghis Khan used diplomacy to establish trade with the Khwarezm Empire, which is an empire that was made up of modern day Turkestan, Persia, Afghanistan, Iran, and Uzbekiztan. Then the diplomatic caravan was attacked by the governor of Otrar because he thought the caravan was a cover-up for a spy mission. When he heard this of attempt he demanded the governor by extradited to him. So he sent a diplomat to retrieve, Shah Muhammad, the leader of the empire defies, Genghis.
  • 1218

    Establishing Trade with the Khwarezm Empire Cont.

    Establishing Trade with the Khwarezm Empire Cont.
    Shah Muhammad defies Genghis by sending the head of the diplomat back to the Mongols. (, Lane 1)
  • 1219

    Genghis Khan plans to attack the Khwarezm Empire

    Genghis Khan plans to attack the Khwarezm Empire
    In 1219 Genghis, angry at the Khwarezm Empire personally took control of planning the attack of the Khawarezm Empire with 200,000 soilders. The Mongols slammed into every city's fortifications. People who weren't already killed were used as shields to make taking the next city easier. No living thing was spared small animals and livestock were butches and the skulls of women, men, and children were stacked into pyramid-like mounds. Every city that the mongols found fell to its knees.
  • 1220

    Genghis Khan plans to attack the Khwarezm Empire Cont.

    Genghis Khan plans to attack the Khwarezm Empire Cont.
    Eventually Shah Muhammad and his son were both captured and killed by Genghis Khan which is what would end the Khwarizm Dynasty in 1221. This would also bring about the beginning of the era some historians call Pax Mongolica, which was the during Khwarezm campaign and after it. (, Lane 1)
  • 1221

    The Khans make reforms and establish trade throughout their Empire

    The Khans make reforms and establish trade throughout their Empire
    Genghis Khan through his campaigns and conquests created a trade from China all the way through the Middle East, and parts of Europe. Genghis Khan also created a law code known as Yassa. the code was based on common laws but also contained edicts that forbid blood feuds, adultery, theft and bearing false witness. It also had parts protecting the environment. Soldiers were not advanced on ethnicity or inheritance but on skill and merit. The mongols also had religious tolerance. (
  • 1226

    Genghis Khan suppresses a rebellion in the Xi Xia Kingdom

    Genghis Khan suppresses a rebellion in the Xi Xia Kingdom
    The Tanguts in the Xi Xia Kingdom had not been cooperating with the Khans and hadn't given troops to the Khwarizm campaign and had started to revolt. After many victories in Tangut cities and defeating armies then sacking Ning Hia the capital. Soon officials were surrendering one after the other. After the defeating the rebels Genghis hadn't quite gotten his revenge and thought the Tanguts needed some punishment so he killed the imperial family ending their lineage. (,
  • Aug 18, 1227

    Death of Genghis Khan

    Death of Genghis Khan
    On August 18th, 1227, Genghis Khan died, while no one really knows how he died, some speculate he fell off his horse, others believe it was a respiratory disease. What historians agree on is that he was buried with no markings, according to the customs of his tribe. Legends say the funeral escort killed anything and anyone who knew the location to keep it a secret along with diverting a river over the grave so it could never be found.
  • Aug 18, 1227

    Death of Genghis Khan Cont.

    Death of Genghis Khan Cont.
    He was buried close to close to the Onon River and the Khentii Mountains in northern Mongolia. This was close to his birthplace, before his death he made his son Ogedoi supreme leader. Genghis Khan died soon after the submission of the Xi Xia. Due to Genghis Khan not liking his picture painted all pictures of him were painted after his death so none really know how he looked. (
  • 1229


    Keep in mind that an event with the same title (or a title with a cont, added to it) has the same sources used. Along with the same picture. The Date is off so it stays close to the timeline.