Genghis Khan

  • 1162


    Temujin is born and his father's tribe leaves his mother and him
  • Period: 1162 to 1226

    Genghis Khan Reign

    Shah Muhammad sends Genghis a head of a Mongol envoy making Genghis furious and storms through cities of Samarkand and Bukhara winning adding to his Empire
  • 1180

    Temujin Kills His Half Brother

    Temujin, gets in a dispute with his half brother as a 10 year old and murders him starting his life as a great warrior.
  • 1185

    Khan Reunites Mongols

    At this point all or most of common known Mongol empire is united and under control of Genghis Khan
  • 1187

    Temujin Gets Married

    Temujin gets married to lady known as Borte who is later kidnapped and gathering many supporters, Temujin frees her
  • 1206

    Temujin Renamed Genghis Khan

    Temujin becomes the ruler of the Turko-Mongol people one of the strongest armies in the world who rename him Genghis Khan
  • 1209

    Genghis's First Foreign War

    Genghis Khan leads his army to Xi Xia, China and easily wins making Xi Xia now a part of Mongol Empire
  • 1226

    Genghis Begins Final Campaign

    Genghis leads his army to Xi Xia where his troops cuse havoc forcing them to surrender
  • 1226

    Genghis Orders Destruction

    Genghis Khan order that there should be no trace left of Xi Xia and the entire city is demolished people are killed or taken as slaves
  • Aug 18, 1227

    Khan Dies

    Genghis dies accomplishing from his rein of 1162 to 1227, conquering 2/3 of China and uniting Mongol under a huge Empire