Jan 1, 1162
1162 – Temujin born in Deluun Boldog
Temujin, later Genghis Khan, was born in Deluun Boldog, near the border between modern Mongolia and Siberia.
http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/photos/photos-babies-world-10585338/image-10585369 -
Jan 1, 1171
1171 – Temujin’s father died
Yesugei, Temujin’s father and the leader of the Borjigin clan, was poisoned and killed by Tartars who had been his enemies. Soon Temujin and his family members were deserted from the clan when no man offered to take care of them.
https://udesigns.info/pages/y/yesugei/ -
Jan 1, 1172
1172 – Temujin killed his half-brother.
Temujin had three brothers Khasar, Hachiun, and Temuge, one sister Temulen, and two half-brothers Begter and Belgutei. Begter was the eldest son from the Yesugei’s first wife. Temujin’s early life was difficult under the bullying authority of Begter who became a leader as the oldest male in the family. Begter abused and took advantage of his power. When Begter tried to take the quarry that Temujin caught, Temujin and Khasar killed Begter with an arrow and Temujin took over the leadership. -
Jan 1, 1177
1177 – Temujin captured by Tayichiud.
Temujin was captured by his father’s former allies Tayichiud and enslaved. The Tayichiud was the same tribe that abandoned Temujin and his family out to poverty after the death of Yesugei. Temujin escaped from Tayichiud’s yurt at night with the help of a guard. His escape, which had seemed impossible, earned him a reputation. The guard’s son Chilaun, and Jelme and Bo’orchu joined with Temujin and the men started to gain forces. Jelme and Bo’orchu eventually became generals of Genghis Khan. -
Jan 1, 1178
1178 – Temujin married Borte
To build an alliance with the Onggirat tribe, Temujin married Borte at age sixteen as previously arranged by his father. The Merkit tribe then kidnaped Borte as revenge against Temujin’s father who stole Merkit's wife. Temujin rescued her with the help of his friend Jamukha and his protector, Toghrul of the Keraite tribe. Borte gave birth to Temujin’s first son Jochi nine months after the rescue. Borte later had three more sons, Chagatai, Ogedei, and Tolui, and an unknown number of daughters. -
Jan 1, 1181
1181 – Jamuka and Temujin
Jamuka and Temujin were best friends and had known each other from childhood. Their friendship ended when Temujin started to attract many followers. Jamuka took notice that Temujin’s force was growing rapidly, he turned against Temujin in order to gain his power for his position and forces. They eventually became rivals.
https://patanahin.wordpress.com/tag/mongols/ -
Jan 1, 1187
1187 – Attack from Jamuka
Jamuka attacked Temujin with an army of 30,000 troops. Temujin defended the attack with his followers but was beaten in the Battle of Dalan Balzhut. At the same time, Jamuka horrified and alienated potential followers by boiling them alive in cauldrons.
https://patanahin.wordpress.com/tag/mongols/ -
Jan 1, 1204
1204 – Final battle
The final battle held in 1204. The war for the control of Mongol between Jamuka and Temujin had ended when Jamuka escaped the final battle and captured by his own people. Jamuka was betrayed and delivered to Temujin. Though Temujin valued loyalty, rather rewarding the men who had brought Jamuka, he had them executed for betraying their leader.
https://patanahin.wordpress.com/tag/mongols/ -
Jan 1, 1205
1205 – Temujin united the Mongols
Temujin had conquered all tribes including Jamuka. Temujin allowed competent allies to take ranked positions rather putting his relatives. All the leaders of the defeated tribes had executed, but the remaining members were welcomed to join Temujin. He treated the newly joined members equally; all warriors were organized regardless of kin. He ordered his people to wait for all pillage until the war finishes. He was religiously tolerant.He respected the new members' beliefs and cultures. -
Jan 1, 1206
1206 – New Temujin: Genghis Khan
Temujin was named Genghis Khan of the Mongolian Empire. Temujin established a nation, Mongolia. He proclaimed to be called Chinggis Khan, meaning “Universal Ruler.” The word “Chin” means "strongest" and "fearless" in the Mongolian language. Genghis Khan is the name pronounced by people in West.
http://www.history.com/topics/genghis-khan#section_2 -
Jan 1, 1206
1206 – New Temujin: Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan built an army that becomes one of the strongest in the world. With his army, he united all the tribes in Mongol and built an empire. In 1206 he ruled over a million people. Genghis Khan ordered to abolish the inherited aristocratic titles to prevent the conflicts among the tribes. He also commanded to ban the enslavement of any Mongolians, and prohibited the selling of women. The writing system was also imported to conduct a regular census. -
Jan 1, 1209
1209 – First foreign war
Genghis Khan and his allies, the Tanguts, organized and prepared his warriors for war with kingdoms of northwestern China which were the closest to the Mongol empire. The first foreign war of Genghis Khan took place against Xia kingdom.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jin_dynasty_(1115–1234)#/media/File:Sung_Dynasty_1141.png -
Jan 1, 1211
1211 – Xia Dynasty became a vassal of Mongolia
Soon after the Xia Dynasty became a vassal of Mongolia, Genghis Khan reorganized and prepared his warriors for further conquest. The next target was the Jin Dynasty the kingdom right next to Xia dynasty founded by Machrian Jurchens who had ruled some of the Mongolian tribes for centuries.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jin_dynasty_(1115–1234)#/media/File:Sung_Dynasty_1141.png -
Jan 1, 1212
1212 - Genghis Khan's tactical strategy (1)
Genghis Khan sent refugees into the cities of Jin Empire.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jin_dynasty_(1115–1234)#/media/File:Sung_Dynasty_1141.png -
Jan 1, 1213
1213 - Genghis Khan's tactical strategy (2)
The refugees caused food shortages and the Jin army ended up killing tens of thousands of its own people. No person could escape the cities of Jin empire since Mongolian had encamped and surrounded the area.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jin_dynasty_(1115–1234)#/media/File:Sung_Dynasty_1141.png -
Jan 1, 1214
1214 – Genghis Khan moved into Jin Empire
Genghis Khan’s warriors besieged the capital of Zhongdu, modern Beijing, and Manchurian Jurchens decided to surrender and offered Genghis Khan many things up such as gold and silvers as the tribute.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jin_dynasty_(1115–1234)#/media/File:China_11b.jpg -
Jan 1, 1215
1215 – Battle of Zhonghu
Genghis Khan defeated Zhonghu by starving their people into submission. However, Emperor Xuanzong tried to relocate his capital to Kaifeng in the southern China after abandoning the half of his empire to Genghis Khan. When Genghis Khan heard about Kaifeng, He took it as disobedience. In 1233 Kaifeng was conquered by Ogedei Khan, the third son of Genghis Khan. The Jin dynasty when out of existence in 1234.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jin_dynasty_(1115–1234)#/media/File:China_11b.jpg -
Jan 1, 1218
1218 – Shah Muhammad sent Genghis Khan a head
“I am Khan of the Lands of the rising sun while you are Sultan those of the setting sun: let us conclude a firm agreement of friendship and peace.” Genghis Khan sent a message seeking a trade and greeted Khwarazmian Empire as his neighbor, but Muhammad denied and sent Genghis Khan a head of the envoy that Genghis Khan sent.
https://es.pinterest.com/explore/muhammad-shah/ -
Jan 1, 1219
1219 – War against the Khwarazmian Empire
Genghis Khan and his warriors immediately traveled toward the Khwarazmian Empire for revenge.
*Khwarezm Empire in present-day: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Iran.
https://es.pinterest.com/explore/muhammad-shah/ -
Jan 1, 1220
1220 – Destruction of Khwarazmian Empire
Genghis Khan’s warriors rapidly wept through their cities one after another from Bukhara, Samarkand and to the capital city, Urgench. Shah Muhammad died weeks after the destruction of Urgench. Genghis Khan then gathered his forces in Persia and split the army into two forces to return to Mongolia. Genghis Khan led the main group back home on a raid through Afghanistan and northern India and ordered General Jebe and Subutai to lead the other group to march through the Caucasus and into Russia. -
Jan 1, 1225
1225 – Returned to Mongolia
Genghis Khan’s both group were back in Mongolia. Soon Genghis Khan found out that Tangut was not following their obligations as promised.
http://www.horsenomads.info/section8.html -
Jan 1, 1226
1226 – Attack on Tanguts
Genghis Khan ordered an attack against the Tangut capital of Ning Hia while continued to advance, seizing Lintiao-fu, Xining province, Xindu-fu, and Deshun province.
http://www.horsenomads.info/section8.html -
Jan 1, 1227
1227 – Destruction of Tangut
Genghis Khan killed the entire royal family of Tanguts for betraying. http://www.horsenomads.info/section8.html -
Aug 18, 1227
1227 – Genghis Khan died
Genghis Khan died on August 18, 1227, at age 65, during the fall of Western Xia. The exact cause of his death remained unknown.