The impact of genetic modification of human foods in the 21st century
Uzogara, Stella G. "The Impact of Genetic Modification of Human Foods in the 21st Century." Bioanalytical-PK Department, Alkermes Inc., 21 June 2000. Web. 17 Sept. 2014. This atricle begins by talking about the negative aspects of GM foods. It talks about two of the fears which are toxic chemicals in our food, and the nutritional quality of GM foods in comparison to that of organically grown foods. -
GM Foods and the Misperception of Risk Perception
Gaskell, George, and Nick Allum. "GM Foods and the Misconception of Risk Perception." Wiley Online Library. N.P., 18 Feb. 2004. Web. 17 Spet. 2014. This articles main purpose is to discuss the opposition that the public has to genetically modified crops. The article goes on to say that this public oppostion has come about by the publics misconceptions of GM foods risks. This article changes from the last articles view and believes that GM foods arent negative, but misconceived that way. -
Societal aspects of genetically modified foods
Fewer, L., and J. Lassen. "Societal Aspects of Genetically Modified Foods." Societal Aspects of Genetically Modified Foods. Marketing and Consumer Behavior Group, 30 Apr. 2004. Web. 17 Sept. 2014. This article looks at some of the facotrs that are behind the public controversy of the introduction og GM foods that took place in the 1990's. The article then goes on to say that this becomes more important when decision making systems become more open to public opinion -
Psychosocial and cultural factors affecting the perceived risk of genetically modified food
Finucane, Melissa L., and Joan L. Holup. "Psychosocial and cultural factors affecting the perceived risk of genetically modified food." Elsevier: Article Locator. Science Direct, 17 Nov. 2004. Web. 17 Sept. 2014
This article is mainly about how psychological and cultural factors affect the way the general public perceives the risks of GM foods. The article also discusses the differences people in the US, European countries, and other developing countries have when it comes to cultural values. -
Who Does the Public Trust? The Case of Genetically Modified Food in the United States
Lang, John T., and Hallman T. William. "Who Does the Public Trust? The Case of Genetically Modified Food in the United States." Wiley Online Library. Department of sociology and the Food Policy Institute, RutgersUniversity, 4 Oct. 2005. This article talks about who the public trusts more. The authors do this by braking the information into three categories. The evaluators who are most trusted by the public, the watchdogs who are next trusted, and then the merchants who are least trusted. -
Genetically modified and organic crops in developing countries: A review of options for food security
Azadi, Hossein, and Peter Ho. "Genetically Modified and Organic Crops in developing Countries." Centre efor Development Studies, Faculty of Spacial Sciences, University of Groningen, 11 Nov. 2009. This article is about the impacts genetically modified (GM) and organic crops have in developing countries. The article also talks about how organic crops are promoted as environmentally-friendly products in developed countries which may lead to a false representation of GM foods to the public.