Generation of computers

Generations of Computers

  • 1st Generation of Computer

    1st Generation of Computer
    The 1st computer was made from the year 1940-1956, was created by J.P.Eckert and J.W. Mauchy & the 1st computer was called 'A vacuum-tube computer'!
  • 2nd Generation of Computers

    2nd Generation of Computers
    Now the 2nd computer was made from the year 1956-1963, was created by Walter Brattain, John Bardeen & William B. And was called ' Transister Computer'.
  • 3rd Generation Computer

    3rd Generation Computer
    Next is the 3rd generation computer was made in the year 1964-1971, was created by Jack Kilby and was called 'UNIVAC'!
  • 4th Generation of Computers

    4th Generation of Computers
    The 4th generation computer was made from the year 1971-1980 and was named 'VSLI'.
  • 5th Generation Computer

    5th Generation Computer
    Then the 5th generation came out in the year 1982, invented in Japan and called 'AI (Artificial Intelligence'.
  • 6th Generation of Computers

    6th Generation of Computers
    The 6th generation computer is created by Intel Corporation, was made on September 1st 2015 and called either 'AI (Artificial Intelligence) or IC (Intelligent Computers)'