2500 BCE
Mesopotamia (Irak)
La tablilla Plimpton= Plimpton 322 is a clay tablet from Babylon, which stands out for containing an example of Babylonian mathematics. It has the number 322 in the GA Plimpton collection at Columbia University.1 This tablet is believed to have been written about 1800 BC. C., has a table of four columns and 15 rows of numbers in cuneiform writing of the time. This table shows what are now called Pythagorean veins. -
2000 BCE
Ábaco=The abacus is an instrument that serves to perform simple arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication and other more complex ones, such as calculating roots). It consists of a wooden box with parallel bars that run movable balls, useful also to teach these simple calculations. -
500 BCE
Calendario mesoamericano= The Mesoamerican calendars are the calendars devised and used by the pre-Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica. In addition to the control of the passage of time, Mesoamerican calendars were also used in religious ceremonies, in social rituals and in divination. -
John Napier
Huesos de Napier= The bones of Napier is an abacus-like device used for multiplication and division. It is a wooden box with bone inlay. In the upper part it contains the rabdological abacus, while in the lower part there is the second abacus that consists of 300 chips. Neperian rods are strips of wood, metal or thick cardboard. The front face is divided into 9 squares, except the upper one, divided into two halves by a diagonal stroke. -
Wilhem Schickard
Reloj calculador= The calculator clock could perform, through fully mechanical methods, the four elementary arithmetic operations: add, subtract, multiply and divide. The machine incorporated the principle of strips of John Napier. The calculator clock had no influence on the development of subsequent machine calculators, since the invention remained unknown to the rest of the world. -
Edmund Wingate
Regla de cálculo= The calculation rule is a calculation instrument that acts like an analog computer. It has several mobile numerical scales that facilitate the fast and convenient performance of complex arithmetic operations, such as multiplications, divisions, etc. -
Blaise Pascal
Pascalina= The pascalina was the first calculator that worked on wheels and gears. You cannot directly add and subtract. Subtraction uses the "complement 9" principle. They are done as easily as the sums and are made in the add-ons window. Nothing prevents multiplications that by successive additions or divisions by successive subtractions. On some machines, intermediate results could be preserved. -
Sir Samuel Morlan
Máquina de multiplicar= The apparatus consisted of a series of wheels, each of which represented tens, hundreds, etc. A steel pin moved the dials to perform the calculations. Unlike pascalina, this device had no automatic column advance. -
Wilhelm Leibniz
La Rueda de Leibniz= 1ª Máquina de cálculos aritméticos= A Leibniz wheel or Leibniz cylinder is a cylinder-shaped drum, with a set of teeth of incremental length to which a counting wheel is attached. It was used as the calculation engine of a class of mechanical calculators. -
Joseph Jacquard
Tarjeta perforada=1ª memoria The perforated card or simply card is a sheet made of cardboard that contains information in the form of perforations according to a binary code. The rectangular, circular or oval bits of paper were called chad (recently, chads) or chips (in IBM jargon). Multi-character data, such as words or large numbers, were kept in adjacent columns of the card, known as fields. -
Charles Babbage
1ª Máquina Analítica= It was a computer specifically designed to construct tables of Logarithms and trigonometric functions evaluating polynomials by approximation. The analytical machine had to run on a steam engine and would have been 30 meters long and 10 meters wide. For the entry of data and programs I had thought of using punch cards, which was a mechanism already used at the time to direct various mechanical equipment. -
Ada Lovelace
1ª programadora de la máquina analítica -
George Boole
El álgebra de Boole y la codificación binaria -
Herman Hollerith
1ª Máquina Tabuladora= The tabulating machine is one of the first computer artifacts and was first used for the 1890 census in the United States. The function of the tabulating machine was in its beginnings to tabulate the census of the United States in 1890, reducing the time of analysis and mechanizing the manual census.When the process was completed, an alarm sounded and another card had to be inserted. -
Leonardo Torres Quevedo
1ª Máquina Algebraica= The purpose of the machine was to obtain values of polynomial functions continuously and automatically.As it was an analog machine, the variable can go through any value (not just preset discrete values).Before a polynomial equation, when turning all the wheels representative of the unknown, the final result is giving the values of the sum of the variable terms, when this sum coincides with the value of the second member, the wheel of the unknown marks a root -
Ejercito alemán
Máquina Enigma= The Enigma machine was an electromechanical device, which means that it used a combination of mechanical and electrical parts. The mechanism consisted mainly of a keyboard similar to that of typewriters whose keys were electrical switches, a mechanical gear and a panel of lights with the letters of the alphabet. -
Vannevar Bush
1er Analizador Diferencial= It was a mechanical analog computer designed to solve differential equations by integration, using wheel and disk mechanisms to perform the integration. It was one of the first advanced computing devices to be used operationally. The differential analyzer was used in the development of the Rebound Bomb, used to attack German hydroelectric dams during World War II. -
Alan Turing
Máquina Universal de Turing= In computer science, a universal Turing machine (UTM) is a Turing machine that can simulate an arbitrary Turing machine at arbitrary input. The universal machine essentially achieves this by reading both the description of the machine to be simulated and also the very input of its own tape. -
Konrad Zuse
Z1= It was a binary calculator, mechanically powered, with limited programming, that read instructions from a perforated celluloid film. The Z1 was the first freely programmable computer in the world that used Boolean logic and binary floating point numbers, however it was not reliable in operation. The Z1 contained almost all parts of a modern computer, that is, control unit, memory, micro sequences, floating point logic and input-output devices. -
Konrad Zuse
Z2= The numerical unit Z2 was built with 800 relays, although it still had mechanical components. It had the same memory as Z1, the control mechanism was based on a perforated belt system and with the arithmetic unit using 200 electromechanical relays. It had a clock frequency of ~ 10 kHz and operated with fixed comma numbers.Its characteristics were very similar to the Z1, and for Zuse it was an experimental model to test the power of the use of telephone relays. -
George Robert Stibitz
Calculadora de números complejos=CNC= Great complex number calculator, capable of performing the main arithmetic operations with complex numbers (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). It is an excellent tool for those who are studying the issue of imaginary numbers as it offers detailed solutions step by step, which is ideal to perfectly understand how to operate with this type of numbers. -
Konrad Zuse
Z3= It was the first programmable and fully automatic machine, features used to define a computer. The Z3, electromechanical technology, was built with 2300 relays, had a clock frequency of ~ 5 Hz, and a word length of 22 bits. The calculations were performed with purely binary floating point arithmetic. -
John Atanasoff
ABC= 1ª computadora electrónica y digital automática This machine, decidedly revolutionary, brought several innovations in the field of computing: a binary system for arithmetic, regenerative memory and distinction between the memory and the functions of the first modern computer to use arithmetic in binary and use electronic circuits, which today in day are used on all computers. In binary, two symbols, 0 and 1, are used to represent numerical values. -
Konrad Zuse
Z4= The Z4 was the final result of Zuse by the design of the Z3. Like the Z3, it was an electromechanical machine. The Z4 admitted a large set of instructions capable of solving complicated scientific calculations. He was able to execute 1000 floating point operations on average per hour. It was made up of approximately 2200 relays, was capable of performing 11 multiplications per second and had a memory of 500 32-bit words. It weighed about 1000 kilograms.