• NAFTA is established

    NAFTA is established
  • Kremlin Accords signed, dismantaling nucular weapons in Russia and U.S.

    Kremlin Accords signed, dismantaling nucular weapons in Russia and U.S.
  • Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa

    Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa
  • Unabomber caught

    Unabomber caught
  • Control of Hong Kong returned to China

    Control of Hong Kong returned to China
  • Nato bombing in Kosovo, Serbia

    Nato bombing in Kosovo, Serbia
  • Columbine school shooting

    Columbine school shooting
  • Terrorist attacks on the world trade center and pentagon

    Terrorist attacks on the world trade center and pentagon
  • North Korea admits to having nuclear weapons

    North Korea admits to having nuclear weapons
  • London terrorist bombings

    London terrorist bombings
  • Sadam Hussein trial

    Sadam Hussein trial
  • Fidel Castro steps down from power in Cuba

    Fidel Castro steps down from power in Cuba
  • Barack Obama becomes president of the U.S.

    Barack Obama becomes president of the U.S.
  • Michael Jackson dies

    Michael Jackson dies
  • Osama bin Laden killed by Seal Team 6

    Osama bin Laden killed by  Seal Team 6