general music tech timeline

  • The first microphone

    The first microphone
    The first microphone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, however it had little practical use as it did not function very well. The first practical microphone was the transmitter, a very basic loose-contact carbon microphone. It was developed by Thomas Edison and David Hughes, and was introduced to the world around 1878.
  • The Phonograph

    The Phonograph
    The phonograph was one of the first music reproduction devices. Music could be recorded onto a cylinder, coated with wax or a thin tin foil sheet, and placed on the phonograph to recreate the sound. This invention was a revolution in its time, around 1877 when Thomas Edison has finalised his invention. While other devices had been invented at the time which could record sound, Edison's was the first to be able to reproduce sound.
  • Theremin

    The theremin was patented by Russian inventor Leon Theremin in 1928. It was one of the first electronic instruments to make a debut in the music world. The theremin has two antennae; a straight antenna which changes the pitch based on the proximity of your hand, and a looped antenna which changes the dynamic of the note. The sound of a Theremin is often compared to that of a saxophone.
  • The use of Magnetic Tape

    The use of Magnetic Tape
    Magnetic tape is the work of German inventor Fritz Pfleumer. It was first used in 1928. The tape is simply a long strip of paper coated in a layer of magnetic iron oxide. Electrical audio signals are converted into magnetic energy which leaves pulses on the moving tape in specific patterns; this can then be read by the tape player and the sound is reproduced. This method of recording and playing sounds took over the music world as it was very practical.
  • Vinyl

    Peter Carl Goldmark is credited with the invention of the first widely used vinyl player in 1948. The discs are made out of PVC and are pressed with grooves, which, when the needle of the player passes over, jolts the arm, creating differing electrical signals resulting in audio playback. This changed the world of music in a major way as vinyls were cheap and easy to press, so music became very widely available.
  • The Cassette Tape

    The Cassette Tape
    The cassette tape is simply a compact and more practical version of magnetic tape recording. The compact cassette was developed in Belgium by Phillips around the year 1963. The cassette tape was revolutionary as it was very small and portable, and allowed users to record and edit audio without needing very advanced technical skills.
  • The Walkman

    The Walkman
    The first walkman was produced by Sony in 1979. The Walkman allowed people to listen to music on the move, and wasn't overly expensive, as well as only featuring a headphone jack, making the music a more personal experience. This was the first time consumers could listen to their music on the move and this was a revolution at the time.
  • CD Players

    CD Players
    The first commercial CD player was released in Japan in October 1982. The first commercial compact disc was produced on 17 August 1982, which was a 1979 recording of Chopin waltzes by Claudio Arrau. The first popular music album released on compact disc was The Visitors (1981) by ABBA.
  • Mp3 Players

    Mp3 Players
    Supposedly the first MP3 player was Saehan Information Systems' MPMan, initially released in 1998. The player is capable of playing MP3 audio files, which meant that people no longer had to buy physical copies of music. This began the era of digital downloads over hard copy.