The '20s, also known as the 'roaring twenties,' was a time where the U.S. moved from farms to cities in search for jobs and a chance at a better life. The economy was booming and it was a prosperous time. Women finally gained the right to vote along with more job opportunities, this idea of women being more capable led to things like this ad, where a woman is doing something she previously was believed not to be able to do. -
At this time, the stock market unexpectedly crashed, which began the great depression. There was an enormous gap between the rich and poor classes, few job openings, and little government help up until FDR was inaugurated into presidency. FDR created the new deal which would change how the government interacted with the people forever. Due to the desire for a high class life of luxury, shared by many, ads like this appeared to give people the ideas of leisure they needed in their hard times. -
The 1940s resulted in WWII lasting for the first half of the decade. During this time, most men joined the army and were deployed somewhere to go fight. Meanwhile, the women who were not nurses in the war stayed home and worked to keep the economy functioning. Many women received jobs that they normally would not during the war. This ad is an example how women went to work in factories. -
The '50s were known as the post-war boom; the economy, the suburbs, and the population rose dramatically. After WWII, the cold war began against Russia and fear of communism grew fast over American citizens and government. This same decade, the civil rights movement began and would continue for the equal rights for equality for African Americans. This ad shows a woman working as a secretary which is almost like an assistance for the boss, which is probably a man. This shows how women were seen. -
The 1960s was a time of need for major political reform, which was promised by the new president JFK. Around the time of JFK's assassination, the US began the draft to send soldiers to fight in the Vietnam war. The people opposed the war and many protested, many protesters included what we call 'hippies,' and it was a very psychedelic era for music and art. By the end of the decade women began to fight for more rights, however, were still seen as a pretty object like in the picture. -
The '70s marked the real start of a big push towards the expansion of social and political rights. Due to the large numbers of people campaigning for women's rights, an equal rights amendment (ERA), where any rights cannot be denied due to sex. Although the amendment was finally passed, it was still resisted by many so you would still see ads like this one (and still do today) that judge women on appearance, not skill. -
The decade of the 1980s was the start of a new economic boom starting when Ronald Reagan became president. More jobs were created than any other president, the AIDS epidemic spread across the U.S., and television became a huge part of every American life. Although much progress on man's view on women was made, you would still see ads like this that continue to push women into looking a certain and being held against a certain standard. -
The 1990s started a new era in the world of technology with the creation of the World Wide Web and cable television. Things were looking positive for women in terms of rights and politics. Women all over the world were being elected for prime minister or president. As progress was being made, some of the same views stayed the same in terms of gender and sex. As you can see from the ad, though it may be in humour, men were seen to be able to not be loyal with their partners. -
During the early 2000s the technology aspects of our country changed in dramatic ways. These ways facilitated life for everyone in several ways, allowing for even further inventions to be made. In this ad the evolution of technology is shown in comparison to women who apparently haven't changed at all in the past several decades. -
It was during the 2000's that women really began to make a change for themselves, proving to the world that men weren't the only ones who could do everything. Women began dedicating themselves to actual jobs and schooling instead of settling on being house wives. Women began to get involved in politics and positions where only men were known to have occupied. -
Although in the early 2000's women began really battling to become independent and earn their way through this world. Although in some cases women were still perceived as house wives and stay home moms who depended of their husbands to work and provide for them. Independence didn't become a part of some women's lives until much later. -
During this time women were now making a name for themselves, by acquiring jobs and by taking advantage of the various opportunities presented before them. Although still to this day women are sometimes perceived as weaker and are sometimes even insulted for it. For example in this ad, women are being put down and displayed as a weaker being both physically and mentally. -
Men have always been known to work to provide for their families and loved ones. During this time men were not only competing with other men for jobs and opportunities but also with other women. This ad is basically saying that men can't cook, because of the various reputations they had set for themselves during this time. Its not that they couldn't, it's that much of the time men perceived cooking as a job to be done by the ladies and by 2008 things began to change. -
Unlike women who have a certain reputation to have a desire for attention, men have become known to not listen. In 2010 politics and technology became a major aspect of American society and men considered themselves to be a major part of that. Men were known to make their own decisions based on what they thought was right and no one could change their minds. Men were known to not listen and take into consideration other's perspectives and thats why this ad was made this way. -
During the 2000's especially during 2012 several stereotypes began to spread regarding what a beautiful woman should look like. Models and movie stars were all portrayed as skinny and "beautiful". By making this ad, reporters are basically saying that a beach body must look skinny and well defined. This could possibly have made many women self conscious about their bodies and perhaps even feel bad about themselves. Our world at this time became filled with stereotypes that ruled people's lives. -
During this time stereotypes became an even greater issue. Teenage girls and young women began heading down a road of depression and suicide because their physiques may not have fit into society's description of beautiful and "perfect". By saying that the best women are skinny and filled with goods to offer, is putting down every other female who may not fit that description. This could possible affect many female's images of themselves as well as how comfortable they are with who they are.