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Gender Movements
First Womans Rights Convention
Elizabeth Cady Shanton launched the first known womens rights convention. Over 300 men and women came to Senaca Falls, New York, to protest the mistreatment of women in social, economic, political, and religous life. -
National Women's Sufferage Association was formed
The main goal was to lobby for women's voting rights on a state by state basis. -
Oregon's first 10 hour workday for women
Women in the Progressive EraThe National Consumers league helped make it legal for women to get minimum wage and 10 hour work days. -
The 19th Amendment
The women got the right to vote. -
Women's branches established in the Austrailian military
There was a shortage of men in the services so they decided to open up the Womens Aulstralian Army Corps. -
Rosa Parks Refusal
In Montgomery AL, Rosa Parks refused to move from the "whites only" section of the bus. And she prompted all white and black women to go together and fight segregation. -
Roe. vs. Wade
On this date abortion became legal. -
The Violence Against Women (VAWA)
Piece of legislation that sought to improve criminalo justice and community- based responses to domestic violence, dating violence sexual assualt, and stalking in the United States.