4.1- Gender-typed behavior
I look back to my young self in the school, I noticed that boys are far more physical aggression compared to girls while girls are more verbal aggression. Boys are more likely be engaged in sports or find something to play physically game and girls would be more of hanging out in the mall and chat about whatsoever. Boys also would be more competitive in any games, even board games. Girls enjoy rapport talk more than boys do. -
4.2- Non-gender typed behavior
I’m not sure about what kind of behavior in neutral gender but I believe relational aggression can be apply to both genders because they are humans and would intentionally disturb relationships, such as cheating, manipulating, etc… Back in my school, girls would trying to take other girls’ boyfriend or even her crush and boys do exactly the same thing. It apply to bullying too, even if genders do it differently, it was intended to harm their self-esteems.