Gender Bias Through The Decades
The 20s could be said to be a relatively progressive age in some ways, and yet conflict came with it. During this time, the 19th amendment (Women's rights) was ratified, and cities were becoming more and more populated. Consumerism became a lifestyle with the introduction of mass production, and though this could be perceived as prosperous, many disagreed with the changes in U.S. culture. This cartoon is an example of that, specifically to the small freedom women had gained. -
Gender Bias Through The Decades
In the 1930s, the stock market crashed, causing what would be known as the great depression.Most people had very, very little money, if any, and jobs were extremely scarce. Though Roosevelt would eventually turn the depression around, much of this decade was spent in poverty. This is not reflected in the ad, though the price, around three dollars, could be a sign. This portrayed women as a common household item. -
Gender Bias Through The Decades
World War II went on for most of the 40s, and featured one of the first peacetime drafts in America. Most of America's men were out of the country in Europe fighting, and it was left to the women of America to take up their jobs and keep the country ticking. This advertisement reflects this, as it's practically saying "HEY! GET GOING!" As the women would pick off were most men left off. -
Gender Bias Through The Decades
Like the 20s, this decade had a layer of prosperity that masked conflict. The war was over, and America was said to "Stand at the summit of the world." It was a rising power in both financial means and military means, and also had an quickly increasing population. However, the push for civil rights, as well as the cold war, began in the fifties. This ad reflects the rather upbeat (though sexist) mood at the time, as depicted in the ad. This ad made it seem women were unintelligent. -
Gender Bias Through The Decades
A great number of events happened during this time. The Vietnam War, the assassination of both President Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., and the civil rights movement still pushed forward. The civil rights act was passed during this decade, as well as the equal pay act. This advertisement does not quite show any of the conflict and turmoil going on during this time...perhaps it is simply an ad. -
Gender Bias Through The Decades
The 70s saw the presidency of Nixon. Politics in general grew more and more complicated. Paranoia and aggression were spreading through the government, and public distrust of the government was rising. After the Watergate Scandal, the decade became a haze as people tried to distract themselves from the world around them, drugs were a large part of that distraction. This ad is for one of those drugs, depicting the more drugs you do the more women you'll attract. -
Gender Bias Through The Decades
This was the decade of the cold war, and saw the presidency of Ronald Reagan. The country went through many economic changes, some good, some bad, as well as social changes. Most of the social and cultural changes were focused around the rising importance of television, music, and art. I'm not quite sure how this ad fits into any of that. But to say the most, the ad demonized women for being chubby, basically saying this isn't an ideal body type. -
Gender Bias Through The Decades
In the 1990s a very controversial ad was circulating at the time. This depicted women as a piece of property. -
Gender Bias Through The Decades
This ad depicts an very stereotypical ideology that women are suppose to stay home and clean. -
Gender Bias Through The Decades
2002 was the year of violence and shootings in the United States and around the world. Countries have joined forces to battle against Afghanistan after 9/11 occurred. Many arrests have been made in the United States through the ring despite the event in New York. Discrimination of Muslims have began in this era.