Gender Bias in Advertising over decades

  • Gender Bias in Advertising 1930

    Gender Bias in Advertising 1930
    In this advertisement by Reddi wip is addressing the thoughts people had on women at this tie. They were believed to have to keep a husband to have a successful life. During this time in women right's women began to lose their jobs so the ad kind of represents that in keeping a husband because they were losing jobs.
  • Gender Bias in Advertising 1940

    Gender Bias in Advertising 1940
    In this advertisement it addresses the fact that the man in the picture has the pants which means they are the ones in charge, the one with the power. In this time women rights was getting hard, but Eleanor Rosevelt tried to speak about feminism to encourage other women.
  • Gender Bias in Advertising 1950

    Gender Bias in Advertising 1950
    In this advertisement the women is depicted to be the cook of the house the only one that applies to this ad. At this time in history NASA began to play with the idea of sending women to space and to concluded, they never did until the 1980s. This represents many jobs for women in this time period.
  • Gender Bias in Advertising 1960

    Gender Bias in Advertising 1960
    In this advertisement it shows that women were in need to please their husband, this should not be the case because women should have been able to be single and able to have a job and to be independent without being looked at as a disappointment. Women at this time began to try to speak up and get some rights such as equal pay, which we still do not have today.
  • Gender Bias in Advertising 1970

    Gender Bias in Advertising 1970
    In this advertisement the women is being looked at and described as just an object to draw men into buying the product. At this time in history for women right's women were being sexualized and just now were pregnancy at work law were being put in order.
  • Gender Bias in Advertising 1980

    Gender Bias in Advertising 1980
    In this advertisement it shows how the man was in control of their wives at this time in history. This was the time the ERA began and was just being known as the ERA and this is when more and more women began to get involved fighting for equal rights.
  • Gender Bias in Advertising 1990

    Gender Bias in Advertising 1990
    In this advertisement it still is making it seem like a women needs to please her husband and stay a good wife by being able to do house work. In this time women were coming out talking about being assaulted and no one was listening to them so in the ad saying wife saver it kind of shows the need for them to just keep their mouths shut and just please their man.
  • Gender Bias in Advertising 2000

    Gender Bias in Advertising 2000
    In this advertisement it really is sexualizing women and looking at them as objects, this is not okay this looks like its on a bus or something this is something everyone can see, little kids who can form their ideas on women at a young age. At this time in history women rights women started to become leaders but yet were still treating like they did not belong in leadership positions.
  • Gender Bias in Advertising 2000

    Gender Bias in Advertising 2000
    In this advertisement is shows that people thing of women being only good for time in the bed room and cooking. At this time in history women rights women started to become leaders but yet were still treating like they did not belong in leadership positions.
  • Gender Bias in Advertising 2010

    Gender Bias in Advertising 2010
    In this advertisement it illustrates all this things women are expected to do, women are so much more than this and it should not be their standards. In this time in history for women right's they began to protest again for equal rights and with Donald Trump running for president, insulting women it brought out a lot of women to speak up about all the wrongs that have been done to them and continue to be done to them.