Gender Bias in Advertising from 1930-Present

  • 1930's

    Gender bias is being displayed in this ad from the 1930s through pressuring woman into thinking that their husbands will get turned off or completely fall out of love with them because of their hands becoming nasty from washing dishes. In the 1930s the few jobs available due to the great depression were given to men almost every time. Women were paid much less anyway, this was even worse for African American women. At this point, women were still objects to men and could do things like vote.
  • 1940's

    Gender bias is probably being shown in this picture through pleasing a man with the thought of having power over a woman or making a woman feel obligated to do something because of a man, i cant read what this picture says because i saved it at school and cant search for it at home because i cant read anything on it, so im kind of just hoping no one reads this. Womans rights were pretty much the same as in the 1930s with the exceoption of women being able to serve juries.
  • 1950's

    Gender bias is being displayed in this ad from the 1950s firstly because is starts of by instantly pointing out then men are better then woman, which is objectively sexist. Second it mentions that they are only useful indoors and outdoors is for men. In terms of rights for women, the equal pay act was passed by congress which promised woman the same wages for the same work, regardless of the color of their skin.
  • 1960's

    Gender bias is being shown in this ad from the 1960s through men being shown as in control and dominant. It is displayed that by smoking these cigarettes a woman will follow you everywhere, which portrays woman as meaningless men pleasers. Rights for woman had a very important change happen because title VII of the Civil Rights Act is passed, which included forbidding employee discrimination based on things like their race or sex.
  • 1970s

    Gender bias is being shown in this ad from the 1970s because it shows that men were able to control woman and that woman were still just little assistants and helpers for men, to make thier lives better and easier. As far as rights for woman, they gained the ability to have equality in education with men, and the ability to abort a baby if they chose to do so.
  • 1980s

    Gender bias is being shown in this ad because this woman shown in the photo is dressed up like a typical working office man, trying to show that she is just as capable as he would be at doing the job. As far as their rights, in the 1960s when they were given the ability to join the work force equally, most woman still didnt take this oprotunitty. So while they didnt gain any rights on the work force in the 80s, this is when woman started booming.
  • 1990's

    Gender bias is being shown in this ad from the 1990s through a woman with large breasts and a man with a presumably large penis being shown in a movie theater with a huge bottle of dr pepper, using these large body parts as a sexual way of making the large bottle appealing. Woman during this time were able to accuse a man of sexual harasment now without having any physical or severe mental harm, giving women a significant amount of power to needlessly destroy a mans life.
  • 2000's

    Gender bias is being shown in this ad because of it associating woman with cooking, as usual. It is implying that cooking is for woman not men, which pretty crazily still something people think to this day. Woman lost the ability to sue a man in court for rape or other non consensual sexual behavior during these years.
  • 2010's

    Gender bias is shown in this image through appealing to male buyers using the attractive body of women. Is gives off a very sexual vibe in talking about drinking what she is wearing (to make her nude) and to swing into something better (a womans body). The right to sue a man due to rape which was removed from woman 10 years ago was brought back and being a lesbian was now legal.
  • 2010's

    Gender bias is shown in this ad because it is telling woman they should keep the defined feminine appearance as well as feminine acts, but should think and work like a man, which implies that men are more inelegant and hard working, in other words bic is saying woman are only good for their appearance and should strive to be more like men otherwise.