Gender Bias Advertisement

  • 1930

    This ad expresses gender bias in the way that it's portraying women. It's portraying women as someone who has to ask if they want to something. It is gender bias because in the 1930's women were only meant to be in the kitchen and that was one of their only job. It's giving a message that it's a man's world. Over the centuries men and society passed on the thought that a women’s only job is cleaning and cooking. This ad she is asking in a shocked tone as if she’s surprised a women can do it.
  • 1930's

    Gender bias is shown in this ad because it shows a women dressed with a apron on and a duster. The caption says “ the harder a wife works, the cuter she looks”. This ad is giving a message that a women who can clean is “cuter” than a women who cannot. Women were very valued for their cleaning and in the early 1900s that’s what kept the men happy and interested. This ad is trying to sell vitamins saying they’ll keep you looking young while cleaning and cooking etc. therefore making you cuter.
  • 1940

    The print is small and illegible but the caption in bold print says “is it always illegal to kill a woman”. The man in this image looks annoyed as he screams at the girl. She looks to be ignoring him and with this men “ask” if in this situation is it illegal to kill a woman. Men have been allowed to do what they want with women back then. It gives off a message that’s is made to make men questions if it should be illegal. Men should never be allowed to kill women just because they feel like it.
  • 1950

    This ad shows gender bias as it is captioned “show her its a man’s world”. In the image the guys is in bed while the women in in her knees while serving him food. The phrase “it’s a man’s world” shows how women have been oppressed by men. They have been subjected to serving men and pleasing them with whatever they want. In this picture she has knelt while serving him because the man is showing how he’s in charge.
  • 1960

    This ad is trying to sell a electric mixer. It’s caption says that it’s domes everything but cook because that’s what wives are for. Over the centuries wives have basically been housekeepers in the own homes. They were the cooks and cleaners and the men were in charge of everything else. This advertisement gives the message that women are just the cooks and that a mixer can do more that she can.
  • 1970

    In this ad there is a young girl holding teddy bear, dressed in a white top with piercing blue eyes and soft features. She is meant to attract people to this product. At the bottom it says it's irresistible and how if you wear it then you are grown enough to be sexy. it also says how it is pure and innocent and how it is the "sexiest fragrance." This whole advertisement shows gender bias because it sexualizes young girls and sells them as "sexy" just because they smell a certain way.
  • 1980

    This ad shows gender bias because there's pots on a stove with caption that says "a woman's best friend". Women have always had the role of cooking and preparing food for the men. The ad is promoting pots by stereotyping women and saying the pots are "women's best friend" because that's all they do. In the 1900's women's only roles were to bare children, keep up the house, and cook. As we neared towards the 2000's they gained more rights but this black and white ad completely contradicts that.
  • 1990's

    This ad shows gender bias because they are trying to sell 'Black Velvet" liquor by using a women in a black velvet dress. This girl is in a tight fitted black velvet dress so that men would be attracted to them and convince then to buy the brand. The caption in the top right corner says "say something smooth". That phrase is inferring that the liquor will go down smooth just like the dress she's wearing. Women are being dressed up and being shown off because of their looks and their bodies.
  • 2000

    This ad is very gender bias because it is showing a women with her legs crossed with a closed jewelry box and the caption says "the first remote control ever invented." In the second image the box is open and there's a engagement ring. It's promoting rings by showing that's it's a way to control women and get them to give you what you want. It shows that the way to get a women to open her legs is by proposing to her. Women have been controlled by men for decades and this is another example how.
  • 2010

    In this ad it is showing a man running like he's training for a marathon. It's captioned "One more thing for men to rule" which show gender bias because the ad is promoting men and not women. This is implying that men are better at sports and because of this they will rule running. This is a Nike ad which makes the gender bias of this ad worse because it's as if Nike supports that men rule sports. It's stereotyping women by saying that women can't rule a sport and that's everything is for man.