Gen Z Technology Progression

  • Gameboy Advanced

    Gameboy Advanced
    In the year 2001 the Gameboy Advanced was released! What made the Gameboy Advanced so special was that had a battery life of around 10 to 30 hours which warped the predecessors. It ran on 4 AA batteries that were very easy to come by. It became one of the most successful portable machines of all time and had almost a 7 year long string of success. 
  • Xbox 360

     Xbox 360
    On November 22nd, of 2005 the Xbox 360 was released. It was considered the most powerful gaming console of its time. It originally had a bit of a rocky release mainly due to the high failure rate which was coined by consumers as "The Red Ring of Death." This was quickly resolved with an extended warranty period and at the end of its lifespan was the six highest selling video game consoles of all time.
  • PlayStation 3

     PlayStation 3
    he release of the console actually featured a bit of a slow release considering that people already had consoles like the Xbox or PS2 but in fact it was very expensive which received mixed reviews. Some of the most popular games featured on the PlayStation 3 were Sonic the Hedgehog, Crash Bandicoot and the Elder Scrolls series of games particularly "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion."
  • Xbox One

    Xbox One
    Xbox one was attempting to be what was considered in the tech industry as an all-in-one home entertainment device. Essentially a place to not only play video games, but also watch movies and use many of the applications that otherwise could only be used via the internet. The Xbox one also received a quick refreshed edition The Xbox One S which was around 40% smaller than the first Xbox one and had a different paint.
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    The Nintendo Switch was the first of its kind portable tablet that could also be plugged into a base and played as the typical style of home console. The huge success of the Nintendo Switch was after the lack luster development of the Wii U, although the Wii was one of the most successful gaming consoles of all time the Wii U was much less critically acclaimed.