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gemini project

  • 2nd launch

    2nd launch
    2nd lauch for the gemini project.This project was also unmanned.To see what would happen if they go into maximum speed to see if the heat protectors on the rocket.
  • gemini traing

    gemini traing
    Theses people are training for the flight
  • 3rd launch

    This rocket had a commander and a pilot so it was manned.They tested manned orbital flight and to evaluate to man design.Also to test flight crew equipment.
  • gemini project begin

    gemini project begin
    on the april 8th 1964 the first gemini project was sent in space.It was unmanned that means that there was no living organisms in the rocket.
  • 4th launch

    4th launch
    The mission objective was to evaluate effects of space flight. Also to evaluate the performance of spacecraft and systems in four day flight.
  • The 5th Launch

    The 5th Launch
    The mssion objective was to evualute rendezvous guidance and navigation system with REP. The launch was postponed due to weather conditions.
  • The 7th Launch

    The 7th Launch
    gemini 7th launch The mission objective was to Evulate effects on to the crew to see the reactions of being in space. It was a 14 day flight and they conducted 20 experiments.
  • The 6th Launch

    The 6th Launch
    The 6th Launch was a fail attempt and it was reschuduled.The mission objective was to rendezvous with GeminiVII. The landing date was December 16, 1965.
  • The 8th Launch

    The 8th Launch
    There were 2 people on the flight and they were Neil Armstrong and David Scott. The mission objective rendezvous and dockk with Gemini Agena target field. They did 10 experiments in this flight.
  • The 9th Launch

    The 9th Launch
    This was postponed also because of a malfuncution. The primary objective was to perforrm rendevzous and docking with conduct EVA. There were 7 experiments in this flight.