The oculus rift headset i 012

Game Industry Event Timeline by Joshua R. Dodson

By jdods13
  • Steam Launches

    Steam Launches
    An intuitive game marketplace designed by Valve software is released to the public.
    Steam has had a massive influence on PC game sales. Almost every PC gamer has a steam account that they use to purchase and play their favorite games. Steam has caused in store PC game sales to drop dramatically. There is no longer a need for a boxed PC game which helps the environment. I would have the ability to host my games on the steam marketplace.
  • Gears of War cover system

    Gears of War cover system
    Example: Epic games designed a fun new tactical cover system. Gears of War started a trend that would change the way third person shooters played. Once designers took notice of the intricate cover system developed for Gears of War, every developer began to implement a similar system into their third person action games.
  • Kickstarter launches

    Kickstarter launches
    Kickstarter changes the way developers fund their projects.
    Developers no longer needed a publisher to aid in project funding giving them complete creative freedom. Crowd-funding has the potential to financially establish a development team if the project is in high demand. I would be able to fund my projects with crowd-funding.
  • Mass Effect’s ending

    Mass Effect’s ending The final installment of the epic space Action RPG is released. Unfortunately, the conclusion leave little to be desired. Fans of Mass Effect were sorely disappointed in the ending to an otherwise amazing game. This was a lesson in story telling for other game developers. Avoid design scopes that are to big to deliver on. Seeing how Mass Effect ended helps me to understand that you can’t have a simple ending for a game that big.
  • The Oculus Rift

    The Oculus Rift
    The Oculus Rift VR headset is in development and scheduled for realease in late 2014 early 2015
    The Oculus Rift aims to change the way we play video games. With major game companies such as: Valve, Epic games and Unity; The Oculus Rift has a bright future ahead. Support for this product will be included in my game design.