Steerage Act
The Steerage Act was an act where immigrants, whether it be from different parts of the world (Europe, South America, etc.) had to report passengers to there destination. This was really the first time there was any kind of keeping track on those who were coming into the country. -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The purpose of this Treaty was to end the Mexican-American War. The war started in 1846 and ended early 1848. Both sides were fighting for land. America ended up winning the war and that resulted in 525,000 square miles to the United States territory (including the parts that make up present states such as Arizona, Wyoming, California, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico). In result of losing the war, Mexico also gave up all of their claim of Texas. -
!5th Amendment Passes
The 15th Amendment allows voting rights to citizens, regardless of the color of your skin. -
Immigration Act of 1882
The immigration Act of 1882 was the first immigration law enacted by the federal government. This law gave power over immigration enforcement to the secetary of the treasury. Secetary of treasury was already incharge for overseeing custom in United States ports. Here they charged immigrants tax upon arriving to the ports. -
United States v. Wong Kim Ark
In this Court case it was just ruled that if you were born in the United States, you were considered as an United State citizen. -
The Dillingham Commission
The Dillingham Commission during this time stated that Mexican workers were probably the best way to help the Southwest labor shortage. -
Expatriation Act 1907
This Act has seven sections with six of them are related in passports and citizenship. This Act was the 59th United States Congress that concerned United States nationality law. -
Immigration Act of 1917
In this Act, the United States regulate immigration of aliens to, and the residence of aliens in the United States. This includes (as they stated) "idiots, poor, criminal, etc." U.S were trying to restrict immigrants from "undesirable" countries. -
Emergency Quota Act
The Emergency Quota Act was an act that that help feature new laws to the American immigration law. One feature was to limit the number of immigrants enter the country and the use of the quota system for establishing the limit. -
Border Patrol
On 1924, the United States created the U.S border. The purpose of this border was to keep out illegal immigrants from coming into America. -
American Civil Right Movement
Mass protest movement against racial segregation. -
Immigration Reform and Control Act
This act made it illegal to hire illegal immigrants knowningly. Legalized illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982. It also llegalize certain seasonal agricultural illegal immigrants. -
Secure Fence Act
As George W Bush stated, "This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform." The goal is to decrease illegal entry, drug traffiking, etc. -
Arizona Immigration law (SB 1070)
One of the most popular bill in Arizona, The Senate Bill 1070 was a bill that United States federal law required undocumented individuals over the age of 14 that stays in the U.S for longer than 30 days to register with the United States government.