GCU 113 History Timeline

  • Ho Chi Mihn declares Vietnam's Independance

    Ho Chi Mihn declares Vietnam's Independance
    Vietnamse communist Ho Chi Minh declares the independance of Vietnam from France and paraphrased the U.S. Declaration of Independance stating, "All men are born equal:the Creator has given un inviolable rights, life, liberty, and happiness!".
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War Timeline 1945-1980

  • U.S. pledges military aid to help the French

    U.S. pledges military aid to help the French
    President Harry Truman authorizes $15 million in military aid to help the French. He then shortly established a Military Assistance Advisory Grou in Saigon to aid the French Army.
  • President Eisenhower Outlines the Domino Theory

    President Eisenhower Outlines the Domino Theory
    President Eisenhower outlined the Domino Theory: "You have a row of dominoes set up. You knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly." This was in response to the defeat of the French by the Vietminh at Dienbienphu,
  • Geneva Convention Agreement

    Geneva Convention Agreement
    Vietminh General Ta Quang Buu and French General Henri Delteil sign the agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Vietnam.
  • French leave Vietnam

    French leave Vietnam
    The French retreated due to the high death tolls, prisoners and wounded men. They felt a lack of support from the people in France and from the U.S. Governement.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    Three North Vietnamese PT boats fire torpedoes at the USS Maddox, a destroyer located in the international water of the Tonkin Gulf.
  • First American combat troops arrive in Vietnam

    First American combat troops arrive in Vietnam
    The U.S. Marines arrive in Vietnam to defend the U.S. airfiled at Danang. The U.S. troops now total 200,000 men.
  • N. Vietnamese launch Tet Offensive

    N. Vietnamese launch Tet Offensive
    The U.S. military is caught off guard when North Vietnamese and Vietcong forces sweep down upon several cities in South Vietnam. This is a big defeat for the Communists and the U.S. military's assesment of the war is questioned.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    The men of Charlie Company, 11th Brigade, Americal Division where frustrated and angry. They were given orders by a Lt. William Calley to "search and destroy". Many killings took place that send shockwaves through the U.S. political establishment, military chain of comman, and an already divided American publc. Calley was charged with the crime of murder.
  • Vietnamization

    The Policy of Vietnamization was to enforce a diminishing role for the U.S. military in Vietnam. It was to shift the burden of defeating the Communists onto the South Vietnamese Army and away from the United States.
  • End of draft announced

    End of draft announced
    Nixon announced and promised that there would be no furthur draft as the Vietnam war drew to an end.
  • Cease-fire signed in Paris

    Cease-fire signed in Paris
    A cease-fire agreement was to "bring peace with honor in Vietname and Southeast Asia" (Richard Nixon) is signed in Paris by Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho. The agreement is to take effect on January 28th, 1973
  • Last American troops leave Vietnam

    Last American troops leave Vietnam
    The last American troops leace South Vietnam. Out of the three million soldiers that faught in the War, almost 58,000 are dear, 1,000 are missing in action, and 150,000 were seriously wounded.
  • Ford calls Vietnam War "Finished"

    Ford calls Vietnam War "Finished"
    Anticipating the fall of Saigon to Communist forces, U.S. President Gerald Ford, announced "that as far as the U.S. is concerned, the Vietnam War is finished." This year was the last of the remaining Americans Evacuate Saigon as it surrenders to Communists.
  • "Boat People" flee Vietnam

    "Boat People" flee Vietnam
    Vietnamese boat people were refugees who fled Vietnam by boat and ship after the Vietnam War. It began in 1978 and continued until the early 1990's. There were about 2 million who left their country in search of a better life.