Yalta Conference
Metting between the "Big Three": Churchill, FDR, and Stalin. The beginning of the Cold War, Soviet's have control of Eastern Europe.
Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e5/Sand_sculpture-Big_Three-Churchill%2BRoosevelt%2BStalin_at_Yalta-1945-VVC-Moscow-2010.jpg -
Potsdam Conference
German was partitioned into four zones of occupation.
Image: http://www.alabamagermany.org/uploadedFiles/Berlin_Sectors.JPG -
Truman Doctrine
Congress passes the Truman Doctrine which addresses the U.S policy to protect nations threatened by communism.
Image: http://ricorant.blogspot.com/2011/05/history-for-day_22.html -
OEEC: Organization for European Economic Co-operation
Following principles:
1. promote co-operation between participating countries and their national production programs for the reconstruction of Europe
2. develop intra-European trade by reducing tariffs and other barriers to the expansion of trade
3. study the feasibility of creating a customs unioin or free trade area
4. achieve conditions for better utilisation of labour
Image: http://margarethildathatcher.wordpress.co -
Berlin Blockade
An attempt by the Soviet Union to limit the ability of France, Great Britain, and the U.S to travel to their sectors of Berlin. Eventually, the western powers sent an airlift that lasted nearly a year and delivered much-needed supplies and relief to West Berlin. The first major clash of the Cold War and foreshadowed future conflict over the city.
Image: http://www.stripes.com/blogs/archive-photo-of-the-day/archive-photo-of-the-day-1.9717/bo -
Military Draft
President Harry S. Truman institutes a military draft with a proclamation calling for nearly 10 million men to register for military service within the next two months. This action came during increasing Cold War tensions with the Soviet Union.
Image: http://wallpapers87.com/wallpapers/propaganda-Uncle-Sam-posters-_364131-36.jpg -
SEATO: Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
The U.S., France, Great Britian, New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Pakistan formed a treaty to prevent communism from gaining ground in the region.
Image: https://lh3.ggpht.com/suQHFaSL8zbN7M-P2OjnxTjM7hGj77AJ3ZQoUBvpmu2PgUjZJRYnmZ2sLl4npIvKTvVdw5s=s85 -
Vietnam War
Prolonged struggle between nationalist forces attemptin to unify the country of Vietnam under a communist governmnet and the United States attempting to prevent the spread of communism. U.S. leaders lost the American public's support for the war, and since has become a benchmark for what not to do in all future U.S. foreign conflicts.
Image: http://www.lsrhs.net/departments/history/ShenM/Site/20th_classwork,_handouts_files/The%20Vietnam -
Sputnik I
Shocks and frightens many Americans, thinking the Soviets could have gotten so far ahead of the supposedly technologically superior U.S. This potentially giving the Soviets the upperhand in the arms race.
Image: http://pixgood.com/sputnik-1-satellite.html -
NASA: National Aeronautics and Sapce Administration
Federal agency dedicated to space exploration (the race to space).
Image: http://universe-beauty.com/Space-photos/Space-technique-9a.html/(sort)/toprated -
Berlin Wall
Both the physical division between West Berlin and East Germany, and the symbolic boundary between democracy and Communism during the Cold War.
Image: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/mwh/ir2/berlinwallrev2.shtml -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The most dangerous moment in the Cold War, when people thought peace would never come and a nuclear war would surely begin. The Cuban military with Soviet power as well, threatens to fire nuclear arms aimed at the United States.
Image: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10021537560 -
SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
For the first time during the Cold War the United States and Soviet Union had agreed to limit the number of nuclear missiles in their arsenals. This is considered the crowing achievement of the Nixon-Kissinger strategy of detente.
Image: http://govbooktalk.gpo.gov/tag/soviet-ambassador/ -
Perestoika Glasnost
Mikhail S. Gorbachev became general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Creating a progam perestoika "restructuring" and glasnost "openness". This introduced changes in economic practice, internal affairs, and international relations. His program swept communist governments throughout Eastern Europe from power and brought an end to the Cold War.
Image: http://yegitek.meb.gov.tr/aok/Aok_Kitaplar/AolKitaplar/CagdasT -
Soviet Union Falls
The Ukraine,Russian Federation, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan met in the Kazakh city of Alma-Ata and announced that they would no longer be part of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union had fallen due to the great number of radical reforms that the president Mikhail Gorbachev had implemented during his six years as the leader of the USSR.
Image: http://www.innove.ee/