Screenshot 2023 03 15 at 2.27.00 pm

GC Project

  • Period: to

    Winter Holiday

    The first break after our meeting
  • Hugo: Timeline, Get in touch with councils

    Hugo: Timeline, Get in touch with councils
  • Jasper: Survey, Get info on how AI affects people's lives

  • Ikram: Getting research about AI in general, Planning our seminar

  • Period: to

    Planning and putting together our presentation

    We will start planning what to do in terms of creating and editing our seminar sessions and also start with the basic idea for our action which will be involving the MAD council
  • 2nd meeting

    Our second meeting to discuss the finer points of our project
  • Period: to

    Practicing our seminar sessions

    Start to practice each of our seminar sessions to insure that we are able to fluently answer and respond to questions while also giving demonstrations
  • 3rd meeting to put together our seminar and to start rehearsing parts together

  • Period: to


    Seminar sessions will take place weekly
  • Final practice

    Final practice and smooth out for the seminar
  • Finish our plan with the MAD COUNCIL

  • Start the operation of our instagram account to start advocating

  • Period: to

    Summer Vacation

  • Start making and creating our interactive resource while also doing action to help our cause

  • Edit and Record our action to the community

  • Zoom Call to check in on progress with each other

  • Period: to

    Final Stretch

  • Host the interactive event

  • Follow up and present our result to relative council to advocate for change