Period: to
The Gay Right Movement 1950-1970:
The Mattachine Socitey Founded:
The first National Gay rights Organisation was established called The Mattachine Society. The organisation was founded by Harry Hay; he then got the title The Founder of the Gay Rights Movement.
The Mattachine Society aimed:
- Aims to elimate” discrimination, derision, prejudice and bigotry”
- Aims to integrate homosexuals into mainstream society and cultivate the notion of an “ethic homosexual culture.” -
The Influnence of the Cold War:
A Senate report titled "Employment of Homosexuals and Other Sex Perverts in Government" is distributed to members of Congress after the federal government had covertly investigated employees' sexual orientation at the Beginning of the cold war. -
Supreme Court Denies the Suspension of Homosexuals Bar Licences:
Homosexual’s bar liquor licenses don’t get suspended by the Supreme Court of California, under rules of Stomen V. Reilly that the mere congregation of homosexuals at a bar was not sufficient grounds for suspension. -
The Publication Publication of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders:
An American psychiatric association lists homosexuality as a ‘sociopathic personality disturbance’ in its first publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. -
Co- Founder of Mattachine Society Faces Charges:
Dale Jennings, the co-founder of Mattachine Society, pleaded guilty to charges laid for lewd behaviour. Jennings acknowledges his Homosexuality at trial however denies the specific charge, and the jury drops all charges. The Mattachine Society proclaimed legal Victory and memberships of the society increased significantly that year. -
The Homophile Group :
One Inc. corporation, releases articles, and an early homophile group, are signed. One Inc (Gay Rights Organisation)Homophile definition -
The Banning of Homosexuals in the Work Force:
The Banning of homosexuals in the federal government or any private conductors is put in place by President Dwight Eisenhower, under the belief that homosexuals are a security risk, along with alcoholics and neurotics. -
Conficting Charges Made:
Inquiries are made by The Army-McCarthy hearings to the alleged security risks posed by homosexuals employed by the federal government. The Army-McCarthy hearings investigate Senator Joseph McCarthy the conflicting charges made with the United States Army. -
Gay Men Charged with Sexual Assult:
Sexual assault and murder of a boy in 1954, results in Iowa pass a “Sexual psychopath law”. 20 Gay men ,with no connection with the boy ,were charged with sexual assault. -
The Daughters of Bilitis Founded:
The Daughters of Bilitis, Lesbian Organisation.
The Daughters of Bilitis becomes the first lesbian rights organisation in San Francisco US. The organisation puts on social functions for gays including, lesbian bars and clubs, which were frequently raided by police. -
Evelyn Hooker Conducts Phychological Experiments on Homosexuality:
Evelyn Hooker, an a American Psychologist, talks about her paper “The Adjustment of Male Overt Homosexual” at the American Psychological Association Convention. After previously directing psychological tests, to groups of homosexual and heterosexual’s males. After researching Hooker found, that homosexuality as not a clinical entity and that homosexuals and heterosexuals do not differ significantly. Hooker conducted many experiments which changed the perception of homosexuality in America. -
American Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Homosexuality:
The United States of America Supreme Court rules in favour of the First Amendment rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender also known as LGBT magazine “One: The Homosexual Magazine”. -
Fannie Mae Clackum's Charges for her Alleged Homosexuality are Discharged:
Charges laid against Fannie Mae Clackum for her alleged Homosexuality are discharged by the United States Courts of Federal Claims. Clackums homosexuality did not affect the militarys policy of excluding Lesbians from service. -
First Documentary on Homosexuality Released:
First American Television Program to Broadcast a Documentary on Homosexuality.
KQED broadcasts 'The Rejected', which is the first documentary, made about Homosexuality to hit American Television. -
Gay Politician Receives a Substantial Amount of Votes:
José Sarria becomes the first openly gay candidate for Political World Office, getting nearly 6,000 votes, shocking all other politicians. This marking the beginning of the notion that gays could represent a dominant political party. -
Illinois Decriminalises Homosexuality
1962:The American state, Illinois, becomes the first state in America to decriminalises Homosexual acts between adults. -
First Gay Rights Demonstration held in America:
Definition of 'Draft' After the confidentially of gay men’s draft was recorded as violated In New York, a small group pickets the White Hall Street Induction Centre. This action was seen as the first gay rights demonstration in the USA. -
Police Arrest Homosexuals at a Fund-raising Event for Gays:
Police arrest gay and lesbian Partiers at a fund-raising ball for the Council on Religion and the Homosexual in San Francisco. This event was seen to be one which galvanizes the local gay and lesbian community. -
ECHO picket the White House:
The East Coast Homophile Organisation ( ECHO) picket the White House in Washington D.C. -
Manager Refuses to Serve 'Gay Looking People' at his Restraurant:
Manager of Dewey’s Restaurant refuses to serve people who he thought looked gay, 150 people were estimated to sit in on the event. Four people were arrested, including the rights leader Clark Polak for The Janus Society, all four people were charged with disorderly conduct. -
1965 Dr Frank Kameny:
1965 Dr Frank Kameny:
One of the most significant figures in the gay rights movement, Dr. Frank Kameny:
- Launched the first public protests by gays and lesbians with a picket line at the White House in April, 1965. -
ECHO picket the United Nations in New York City:
ECHO picket the United Nations in New York City. -
1965 Stonewall:
1965 Stonewall:
In Greenwich Village, New york, riots follow a police raid on the gay bar Stonewall. It was seen as the start of the Gay Rights movement in America. -
ECHO Demonstrators Picket the Whitehouse for the Last Time:
ECHO demonstrators picket the White House for the last time; demonstrators thought with this event that picketing the White House had lost its effectiveness as a tactic. -
Gay Rights Conference Held:
North American Conference of Homophile Organizations takes place for the first time. It’s the first meeting when the Coalition of Gay Rights Groups combine, the meeting takes place in Kanas City, Missouri. -
Alcohol Regulation Introuduced towards Homosexuals:
Regulation introduced produced that prohibits serving alcohol to homosexuals on the basis that they are disorderly. -
First Gay Pride Parade:
A Homophile group organises a demonstration of 15 motorcyclists, which hold up pickets in a variety of different cities, this is considered to be the first Gay Pride Parade. -
The First Antigay Television Broadcast:
The first television broadcast, by CBS called the “The Homosexuals” on Homosexuality been described as “the single most destructive hour of antigay propaganda in our nation’s history.” -
Article Realesed on Homosexuals:
July 17th: An Article is published called ‘US Homosexuals Gain in Trying to Persuade Society to accept them’ written by The Wall Street Journal. -
First Gay Pride March:
1969:The first gay pride march takes place on Christopher Street in New York. -
Gay Liberation Front:
10 to 15 members of the New York City chapter of the Gay Liberation Front leave a go to the Gay Activists Alliance, to put more emphasis on Gay Rights. -
Stonewall Nation:
Stonwall Nation, First Gay Village Established.
Los Angeles chapter of Gay Liberation publicizes their plans to establish Stonewall Nation, the world’s first legalised gay village.