Gay human rights

Gay Rights Movement

  • The first documented gay rights organization in the United States

    The first documented gay rights organization in the United States
    The Society for Human Rights was the first American LGBT Rights organization established in Chicago in 1924 founded by Henry Gerber.
  • "The Well of Loneliness"

    "The Well of Loneliness"
    English poet and author Radclyffe Hall published her lesbian-themed novel.
  • Decriminalizing Homosexuality in Illinois

    Decriminalizing Homosexuality in Illinois
    Illinois became the first state to get rid of it's anti-sodomy laws, effectively decriminalizing homosexuality.
  • "The Rejected"

    "The Rejected"
    A TV station in California aired the first documentary about homosexuality, called The Rejected.
  • Stonewall Inn

    Stonewall Inn
    A gay club that welcomed drag queens, but got raided by police and harassed by all the other residents.
  • 1st gay pride parade

    1st gay pride parade
    New York City community members marched through local streets in commemoration of the riots held in Stonewall. Named the Christopher Street Liberation Day, the march is now considered the country’s first gay pride parade.
  • Aids outbreak

    Aids outbreak
    The outbreak of Aids dominated the struggle for gay rights, people were scared they first thought it was some type of rare pneumonia.
  • "Don't ask, Don't tell"

    "Don't ask, Don't tell"
    President Clinton passed the DADT policy, which allowed gay men and women to serve in the military as long as they kept their sexuality a secret.
  • Lawrence v. Texas

    Lawrence v. Texas
    In this U.S. Supreme Court case, it banned the state’s anti-sodomy law, effectively decriminalized homosexual relations nationwide.
  • Same Sex Marriage

    Same Sex Marriage
    The Supreme Court ruled that states cannot ban same-sex marriage, making gay marriage legal throughout the country.
  • New Transgender policy

    New Transgender policy
    President Donald Trump announced a new transgender policy for the military that again banned most transgendered people from military service.