Garry Timeline gr 10

By micche
  • Birth

    Micah's birth was the start of his journey through life.
  • Trip to Taiwan(and 1st bday)

    Trip to Taiwan(and 1st bday)
    Micah's first trip to Taiwan was his first time traveling out of the United States. He celebrated his first birthday with his great grandpa. This was also his first time in Asia.
  • 9/11

    On September 11, 2001, 19 people from al-Qaeda hijacked four airliners and crashed them into various destinations in an attack on the United States. Two of the planes were flown into the World Trade Center, another hit the Pentagon, and a fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. The attacks led to a wave of events including the Iraq and Afganistan wars, stricter security and survalience, and more power to the government.
  • Afganistan War

    Afganistan War
    The 13-year Afghanistan War had become the longest war ever fought by the United States. 2.6 million Americans were dispatched to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and combat terrorism. This was in response to the attacks of 9/11 and have cost billions of dollars and thousands of lives.
  • Brother's Birth

    Brother's Birth
    Micah's brother was born making him an older brother and giving him more responsibilites and making his parents more grumpy due to lack of sleep.
  • Trip to California

    Trip to California
    Micah's first trip to California was the first of many trips to visit his cousins and grandparents. This journey was the first of an annual tradition and was when he first experienced seeing more than 2% of asians in an area.
  • Grutter v. Bollinger

    Grutter v. Bollinger
    In a 5-4 decision, affirmative action was upheld and University of Michigan Law School was allowed to use race as part of the application process. The controversial topic of affirmative action was decided with this case.
  • Start playing soccer

    Start playing soccer
    The first sport Micah played was soccer in 2003 which inspired his love for athletics and the sport.
  • Sister's birth

    Sister's birth
    Micah's sister's birth gave him his first sister putting even more responsibliities on him and taking up time with his parents.
  • Start playing baseball

    Start playing baseball
    Micah started playing baseball in 2008 which led to seven more years of playing this sport before dropping it. Baseball halped improve his hand-eye coordination.
  • District of Colombia vs Heller

    District of Colombia vs Heller
    This descion stated that citizens have a right to possess firearms at home for self-defense. With a rising number of shootings in the United States, gun rights have becom a controversial topic and DC vs Heller upholds the people's 2nd amendment
  • Boumediene v. Bush

    Boumediene v. Bush
    In a 5-4 decision, the court ruled that the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay were under the jurisdiction of the United States and thus had the right of habeas corpus.
  • Election of Obama

    Election of Obama
    SourcesPresident Barak Obama was elected the United State's first african american president in 2008. More than 69.4 million Americans voted for him and his election broke many invisible racial barriers.
  • Start fencing

    Start fencing
    This was Micah's last serious sport. Fencing is like a athletic form of chess and helped him think on his feet as well as keep in shape for the soccer season.
  • Snyder vs Phelps

    Snyder vs Phelps
    Sources With a 8-1 descion, the court ruled that assembling at a funeral and picketing against the United States military was an expression of the 1st amendment. Although controversial, the signs were speaking "on matters of public concerns" on public property and thus were protected.
  • Death of Osama Bin Laden

    Death of Osama Bin Laden
    Mastermind behind teh catastrophic Septermber 11th attacks, Osama Bin Laden was killed after nearly a decade after the attack on the Wourld Trade Center. The operation killed 5 people including Bin Laden himself. This event signified the closure of 9/11. Additionally, taking out a leader diminishes the threat of another attack on the United States.
  • NSA spying on citizens

    NSA spying on citizens
    Edward Snowden revealed that the United States collects 5 billion records a day on the location of cell phones around the world. They also used a program PRISM which allows transmission of data directly from major tech companies, such as Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple, and Facebook. This disputed topic concerns the Patriot Act and privacy of citizens
  • Government shutdown

    Government shutdown
    SourcesDue to debt and spending, the government was shut down for 16 days. The government shutdown forced about 800,000 federal workers off the job and closed national parks.about 24 million dollars were lost during this period.
  • Trip to Iceland

    Trip to Iceland
    Iceland was Micah's first trip to Europe as well as his first trip to the arctic circle. It was his brother's sweet sixteen gift( a trip to anywhere) and showed how quickly time was passing.
  • Becky's Wedding

    Becky's Wedding
    Becky's wedding was the first wedding in my generation of first cousins. Micah is really close with his cousins due to annaul trips to visit them in California and signified him and his cousins growing up.