Gandhi timeline

  • Gandhiji and Congress Working Committee members arrested; Gandhiji imprisoned at the Aga Khan Palace.

  • birth of Gandhi at porbanar

  • Marriage with Kasturbai at 13

  • Enrolled at the Inner Temple

  • left the court;Refused to remove his Paghadi

  • Founded the Natal Indian Congress

  • Established Indian Ambulance Corp

  • First issue of his book Indian Opinion published

  • Left for England as a member of the Indian Delegation.

  • Agreement signed with General Smuts on voluntary registration.

  • Awarded two months' rigorous imprisonment for entry into the Transvaal without permit

  • Hind Swarajya published in 'Indian Opinion'

  • Established Tolstoy Farm; vowed to eschew milk; commenced experiments in frutarian diet.

  • indians' Relief Bill, passed.

  • Awarded the 'Kaisare Hind' medal

  • Elected as Vice President of Gujarat Sabha.

  • Travelled to Patna with Rajkumar Shukla to investigate condition of indigo farmers.

  • Gave a statement in the court about disobedience of prohibitary orders.

  • Indefinite fast to keep the resolve of striking Mill-hands commenced.

  • Addressed the public meeting of 5000 peasants at Nadiad; advised them to not pay land revenue.

  • National Hartal and Satyagraha against the Rowlett Act.

  • Arrested at Palval Station.

  • First issue of 'Navajivan' published.

  • Congress boycott the Hunter Commission and set up independent inquiry.

  • Given the reigns of the Congress in Ahmedabad.

  • Gandhi and Shankerlal Banker arrested.

  • Trial held at Ahmedabad Circuit House; Judge Broomfield awarded Gandhiji a sentence of six years' imprisonment.

  • Operated for appendicites at Sasoon Hospital, Poona.

  • Released unconditionally.

  • 'All India Spinners' Association' established.

  • Wrote introduction to 'Anasktiyoga'.

  • Broke the Salt Law.

  • Arrested and sent to Yeravda Prison.

  • Released from prison.

  • In London as the sole representative of the Congress at the Second Round Table Conference.

  • Declared his opposition to the proposed Communal Award.

  • Arrested and sent to Yeravda for indefinite period; Vallabhbhai fellow prisoner.

  • Issued a statement about the fast; unconditional and for self-purification

  • Commenced the fast. Released from prison.

  • Declare his intention to offer Individual Satyagraha.

  • Arrested at Ahmedabad and sent to Sabarmati Prison; shifted to Yeravda later.

  • Went to Wardha with a decision to not involve himself with politics.

  • A mob attacked in Bihar at the instigation of Lalanath Shastri.

  • Bomb thrown at his motorcade in Poona.

  • Declared his intention to retire from Congress.

  • Resigned from the Congress.

  • Moved to Segaon from Wardha.

  • Commenced fast at Rajkot against the breach of trust.

  • Wrote a letter to Adolf Hitler.

  • Informed Congress Working Committee at Sevagram that Jawaharlal Nehru would be his political heir.

  • Commenced a 21 day fast.

  • Communal riots in Calcutta.

  • Communal riots in Calcutta.

  • Left for Noakhali.

  • Handed over the responsibility of Harijan Journals to Kaka Kalelkar, Kishorelal Mashruwala and Narahari Parikh.

  • Addressed the Asian Relations Conference.

  • In Calcutta with Shaheed Suhrawardy

  • Indefinite fast against the communal violence in Calcutta.

  • Broke the fast.

  • A bomb thrown during the Prayer Meeting.

  • Took three bullets on his chest.