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The creation of the Magnavox Odyssey
The devlopment time for the Magnavox Odyssey -
Magnavox Odyssey
Magnavox OdysseysourceThe Odyssey was one of the first home computer consules thathad a range of over 27 gameas and it could be played on the old black and white TV.
24 Apr 1972 was the realse date of the consulae but the first prototype was made in 1968 and devlopment started in 1966
The types of games that where avalable for this consuale is sports games , shotting games , horr -
magnavox odyssey
horror games , kids games theses are the only games types that where aviable when the first consuale came out. The game names where very simple and by the name you could tell what they where about. -
Brain Wave (Cartridge 3) #7176 Magnavox Odyssey
is a brain edducation puzzle game where the aim of the game is to get your ponter to the red dot you do this using the movement that you gain with a dice roll. this works out as one of the first puzzle game where there is one set objective but you have to compete againts over people to try and get to the pointer first. -
Haunted House (Cartridge 4)
•Original Release Date: 1972
•Publisher: Magnavox
•System: Magnavox Odyssey
•Format: Cartridge + Screen Overlay + Playing Cards
•Genre: Horror-Survival (the very first one
The game used bof a game borad cards and the consuale where you had to overlap at the same time this made the game sligty unpopler beacuse of the amount of effort that it took to play the game. Bu8t beacuse of the overlaping from the game they where able to majke the game more advance then what was out there all ready -
Haunted House (Cartridge 4)
beacuse of this they where able to make a more advance game then they could just using the tecnolgy in computing beacuse they combind both a board game and the consule. -
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devlopmetn of Intellivision
During this time the Intellivision was under devlopment the consuale was market in a small area during 1979 -
the Intellivision took one year of devolpment till there first consuale was ready to test but there did a year of testing in a small town before it beacame avaliable for the gernal plic in there took another two years to beacome avaiable in place like japan -
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Devlopment of the Intellivison2
loc n chase
Lock n chase is a pacman style game where yo have to run thougth a maze coleting coins trying to stay away from the cops that are trying to get you when you are playing this game you are able to lock doors one of the bad points about this game
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5dQKZkA1s8 -
Intellivision II
the main cangers betwen the Intellivision and the Intellivision II is with the Intellivision II there where controlers which where conected buy cable so you did not have to play right on the consuale -
intervision game Buzz bomber
is a single player shoot em up game designed by Mike Breed for th intervision in 1993 the game comne in a cartrage . The player conrtols a can of bug spray and is trying to warn of swarms of beees the player shoots will turn the beeses in to honeyu come. This game is a 2d classic aracend game where the players controls the can to move along the bottom of the screa and then will click the button to spray. Unlick the Odyersy this game is play on a tv that is connected to the consule thougth some -
buzz bombers
with the advance ment in software it allows players to play the game on a tv with out hace the complex board that the odysie wasa using even thougth this game is still much simpler then some of the odersy games it is more apperaling to the player beacuse it is simple you just have the screen and the controler. With in the game the beeses will change direction when they hot the ege of the creen they will the move one step closer this bring in a problem if you do shoot them as in the end they -
buzz bomber part 2
in the end they will get to your to your garden where they will turn in to flowers as more besse reach the garden you will run out of room an loss a life. This game layers the fondation or more moden arcade games like Plants vs zombie where if you fale to stop the zombie they will reach your garden and you weill then loss a life so this game is importent beacuse the concepts that where in theis game have a direct linlk to the more monden stlye tower defence and arcade games that you will find . -
part 3
In this game there are harder beeses as the level get on this is also laying fonduation for games that have bosese enaims or harder eniams as you gain to a higher levle for example Plants vs Zombie there gets harder Zombie as you get later in to the game. Buzz bombers is sort of the first real complex game that have both an increasing of difficty and more levles that get harder asd you prograse. -
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
All the spec about this consuale can be found by following this link The super nentendo was one of the frist consule where you where able to play a gmae in colour if you had certian attachment this consule was Nintendos contrubution to the fiercest Console Wars in history between Nintendio and saga -
Super Mario World p2
have to play as. Another gra=et thing that you where able to do o this game which you where not able to do on any of nintendio ealyer games is that you where able to save you postion beacuse of this it chaged gameing. It when form some thing that you did for 30 mins then the bnext time you played you try to bet your score. To some thing that you could spend a week doing before you got to the end of the game beacuse of this it allowed game compaines to start to make bigger games that could take -
Super Mario world p3
th palyer a longer time to play. This allowed people to spend more time on a game you knowloger ahd to finsh a game in one sitting you could sit there paly for 30 mins then save and play some more another day. -
super mario World p1
Super mario world is a level based platfrom game where you hace to play as mario and luigi and try and sve the princess from the evil browser. This was one of the frist games where you where able to take contronl of more the one charter during the game tis in its self changed gameing. The greastes effect that this had is that it allowd playes to fell more in controle of there game beacuse they are able to chose Mario or Luigi and play as there favouite caharter and not just the one that they -
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Sega Saturn Releases
first released on November 22, 1994 in Japan, May 11, 1995 in North America and July 8, 1995 in Europe. The Saturn sold 9.4 million units worldwide.[3] While its installed base in the United States ended at 2 million,[5] its installed base in Japan was more than 6 million units.[citation needed] While it was popular in Japan, the Saturn failed to gain a similar market share in North America an -
Apple Pippin
The apple pippin wa said to be one of the worst apple products of all time beacuse it just tride to do to much at once and did know of them well. The Pippin in its self was not intented to be relased as a consuale and they did not relasue it what they did is made the technolgy to make the apple pippin then they sold it to other people. http://www.pcworld.com/article/158225/worst_apple_products.html
http://www.pcworld.com/article/168348/worst_game_consoles.html -
Period: to
Devlopment of the Xbox
The devlopment time of the Xbox from idea to public -
Xbox p1
The idea of the Xbox began in 1998 with a group of software deplores pitched th3ere idea to bill gates. After they started working on the Xbox there decided that they were doing to call it the DorectXBox. It was intended to be made like a OPC and to work on windows 2000 the name Xbox came around after they when to their focus groups an d found out that they liked the name. Two years later the Xbox when public in a Game developer s conference on March 10 but it was not till November that year -
Xbox p2
That it was made public. One of the great things about the console that where being brought out during this time is that enabled them to play with four people at the same time one console. This enables gaming to become more of a family thing because you were able to play the game with your family instead of with just one or two people like you could beforehand. This is something that is done on most of the later console because it enables family member and friends to play to gather on one scree -
Xbox p3
The Xbox also start the online game on console where as you could all ready play games online on the computer you where non able to do it won a game console. This starter a extremely big industry for gamming where they could offer plays a chance to play against over people this gave them a new level of challenge where as it steed of playing a computer they got to play a player. -
Star wars Battefront
Star wars Battlefront was one of the first war simulation for a console where the developer moved from a story focused game or a tool based game to just a good war. It this game you take control of 4 different teams that will each play one opposing teams you have the republic vs. the confederation and then the rebels vs. the empire. In each of theirs battle you had to take control of different command points and lower the enemies tickets down to 0 where you will of one the game. -
Star wars Battefront p2
With the online feature you are able to play with a team of player vs. a team of player this allowed you to have a more changing experience where instead of have computer players that act in a certain way you have players that may think is the best idea to smash a plan in to your troops. One of the main problems with the online feature of this game is it was slight a head of its time where the internet connection was not really ready for such a demanding game. -
Star wars Battefront p3
This game followed the idea of allowing the player to save their progress but instead of saving what level they are down there where able to save there stats allowing them to see how many times they have done certain objective it also allowed them to offer player reward that have kill 500 player as a way of motivating more people to play the game for longer.