Galaxy - 1971
The earliest Known coin-operated video game. This game is located in Stanford University, USA yet nevery commercially sold -
Computer Space 1971
This was the first ever commercially sold coin operated video game system released in 1971 -
Pong - 1972
Pong was release by Atari in June 1972, it was a sports tennis orientated game simulating a very basic game of tennis. It was the first mainstream popular arcade game. -
Space Invaders
Tiato was the game company that released space invaders. It was the first blockbuster arcade video game. It also set the template for the shoot'em up style of gamegenre -
Asteroids - 1979
Atari was the lucky team to have produced the smash hit arcade game Asteroids. The object is to shoot and destroy asteroids. The game progresses in difficulty. -
Donkey Kong - 1981
Nintendo's first hit game released in 1981, the first of the popular platform genre of game. Mario featured in the game and was named jump-man. These characters progressed into being some of Nintendo's most famed characters. -
Pole Position - 1982
Arcade racing came that was released by Namco yet licenced to Atari for manufacture and distribution. Voted 1983's most popular arced game. -
NES - 1985
The Nintendo Entertainment system was Nintendo's successor for the colour TV Game series. It is an 8-bit Console which popularly hosted the game 'Legend of Zelda'. -
Genesis - 1988
Released as the Sega Mega Drive everywhere other than North America. Sega's 16 bit console. Successor of 8-bit Master System. -
Game Boy - 1989
The second, buy most popular handheld systemreleased by Nintendo. The game and Watch was first in 1980. Over 118 million copies were sold for this worldwide. -
Super Nintendo Entertainment System - 1990
A 16-bit video game console developed by Nintendo and released in 1990 in Japan, 1991 in America and 1992 in Europe. -
Playstation - 1994
Using the technology for the never released Super Disc, it was upgraded and interchanged to produce a console able to compete with Sega and Nintendo. People were fascinated by the CD-ROM based game. -
Nintendo 64 - 1996
Only true 64-bit game system which could operate a 4 player system. Games such as Super Mario 64 and Super Smash Bros helped sell over 32 million systems. -
PS2 - 2000
Sony created this due tot he success of the PS1. It was met with record sales figures selling over 150 million in total. -
Xbox 2001
Microsoft's first video console. A sixth generation console comparing with the PS2 and the Dreamcast. It was the first to feature Xbox-live, a fee based internet feature to connect wireless multiplayer. -
Nintendo DS - 2004
Nintendo carrying on with the handheld variation of games. a 2 porcessored portable gaming system with a touchscreen and stylus proving popular with games such as Mario Kart ! -
Xbox 360 - 2005
Microsoft's second game console which enhanced the internet-system with a 'market place' to download games. An extreme success establishing Microsofts perminent place in the console market. -
PS3 - 2006
Playstation's third home video game system by sony. The unified game online service, previously utilised by microsoft is well used here. -
Nintendo Wii - 2006
Home video system released by Nintendo to compete with the Prowess by Sony and Microsoft. The Wii was praised for its ability to get people active -
PS4 - 2013
Competing with the Wii U and Xbox One. 8th Generation of video game. More social game play focus with a 'share button'. -
Xbox One - 2013
Released at the same time to produce healthy competition with the PS4. An all in one entertainment system which links apple music and Google TV