Game design timeline

  • Halo 3

    Halo 3
    As a child, my gaming life started at my cousins house playing Halo 3. Considering I had no form of gaming console, playing at my cousins house was the only way I could play.
  • Mario Kart Wii

    Mario Kart Wii
    2016 was the year when I got my first gaming console, the Nintendo Wii. I remember the night that mum came home with the console, I was overyjoyed and excited to have my first console. The Wii was brought home with a few different games however my favourite was Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo 2008) as I made so many memories with my mum and sister playing it.
  • Pokemon: Alpha Sapphire

    Pokemon: Alpha Sapphire
    To this day, the 2ds/3ds are one of my favourite generations of consoles due to the incredible amount of classics that the consoles saw. My favourite of the classics had to be the 3 different generations of Pokemon games released. The first Pokemon game I played was Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (Game Freak, 2014). I fell in love with this game due to the charm it had, the great music and the story.
  • Fortnite

    Fortnite (Epic Games, 2017), when in it's prime, is regarded by many gamers as one their favourite games of all time. I remember very clearly getting home from school everyday in year 7 and playing with all my friends until I was forced to go to sleep. The reason I believe it was so popular was not only for the fun gameplay, but the fact that everyone was playing it meant you could play with many different people.
  • Valorant

    Toward the end of 2020 bought and built a gaming PC and started to play the competitve 5 versus 5 game, Valorant. I liked playing Valorant with my high school friends as it served as an ample escape from homework.
  • Playstation Studios

    Playstation Studios
    In 2022, my friend managed to convince to buy a PS5 to experience some of the incredible story games. This ended up being one of my best decisions in gaming because it allowed me to play some of the exclusives. I started my journey with Spiderman PS4 (Insomniac Games, 2018) then moved onto God of War (Santa Monica Studios, 2018). I have played many more since then and still continue to play story games to this day.